36. a mother's love

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"Sir, Queen Bella hasn't shown up yet

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"Sir, Queen Bella hasn't shown up yet. If we don't start the meeting now, it will ruin your schedule for the rest of the day." Lumière said as he looked at Ben, who sighed and looked at his watch.

"Okay then. We'll start without her. Deborah?" Ben asked as he looked at the woman, who was standing by the door.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Find Belladonna and have her meet me in the office immediately." Ben said as he adjusted his tie. Deborah nodded before quickly making her way out of the conference room.

"Yes, sir."

"Would you like to have dinner together tonight?" Cora asked as she and Bella walked through the courtyard.

"I'd love to, Mom, but I already have plans with Carlos tonight." Bella said as she looked at Cora, who shrugged.

"Oh. Well, that's fine. You can reschedule." Cora said before her daughter looked at her.

"Mom, I can't. I already rescheduled once." Bella said as Cora looked at her and sighed.

"Queen Bella, your brother is requesting your presence immediately." A guard informed after he found the young queen.

"Oh no. The meeting. I gotta go." Bella said before she ran off.

"Where is she?" Ben asked as he paced through the office and looked at his watch.

"I'm sure she's on her way. She was probably doing something like having a fitting with Evie or a tea party with Lee and she lost track of time." Mal said as she sat at the desk and sketched on a piece of paper.

"Bella never showed for our fitting. Again." Evie said with a sigh after she walked in with Baylee.

"Sissy promised to have a tea party with me this morning, but she never came to my room." Baylee said before Ben looked at Mal.

"—or maybe I'm wrong."

"Sérieusement? Tu m'as envoyé les gardes?" Bella asked after she stormed into the office.

Seriously? You sent the guards after me?

"Uh oh. They're talking in French." Baylee said as she backed into Evie.

"It's okay."

"Sérieusement? Vous avez raté notre réunion, l'arrangement d'Evie, et la fête du thé de Baylee? Que se passe-t-il avec toi? Tu n'as jamais fait ça auparavant." Ben said before Bella sighed.

Seriously? You missed our meeting, Evie's fitting, and Baylee's tea party? What is going on with you? You've never done this before.

"I just have a lot going on, okay?"

"No. It's not okay. We're your family, Bella. Families talk through things and work them out." Ben said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"It's only happened once."

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