37. the wand and the potion

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"Hey. Have you guys seen Bella? I need to apologize to her." Ben said after he walked into the dining hall.

"She hasn't come down yet." Evie said before she took a bite of her breakfast.

"I haven't seen her this morning." Carlos said with a small shrug.

"There she is. Why is she passing cupcakes out?" Ben asked as the three watched Bella pass out cupcakes to everyone.


"Don't eat those! If you eat them, they'll turn you evil!" Mal said with a pant after she and Uma ran into the dining hall.

"But Queen Bella gave them to us and she's not evil." Penelope—Peter Pan's daughter—said with a shrug as other people nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am." Bella said with a smirk and a nod as she looked at everyone.

"Oh no."

Everybody see my sunny
Everybody see my shine
But they don't know my story
They don't know what's on my mind

I carry on like a princess
But man I've got em fooled
Cause underneath my business
I am cold, I'm hard, I'm cruel

Never gonna put a spell on me
Never ever gonna bring me back
Never gonna make me be
Somethin I'm not because I'm evil

Tell the people
I'm evil
Open your eyes
I'm all a disguise

Everybody in my circle
Think I'm gonna be their friend
But I got bad intentions
And I'm gonna have em again

Why should I stop my dissin
Or soften up my heart
Tell me what good is livin
If you can't be who you are, yeah

Never gonna put a spell on me
Never ever gonna bring me back
Never gonna make me be
Somethin I'm not because I'm evil

Tell the people
I'm evil
Open your eyes
I'm all a disguise

Never gonna put a spell on me
Never ever gonna bring me back
Never gonna make me be
Somethin I'm not
Because I'm evil

"B, are you really gonna do this?" Ben asked as he and Carlos took a couple cautious steps towards the blonde.

"I'm evil, Bennyboo. Were you not listening?" Bella asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Bel. This isn't you. We know you." Ben said, Carlos nodding in agreement as they took another cautious step forward.

"That's funny. People keep saying they know me. No one knows me." Bella said with a scoff as she rolled her eyes.

"I do. Come on, Ella." Carlos said before Hook, Henry, and Hannah ran in.

"Ben! Where's your sister? We think Cora's after her." Hook said before Ben looked at the blonde behind him.

"I think you might be too late." Ben said before the three turned around.

"Oh no."

"Hi, Daddy." Bella said with a smile as she sent him a wave.

"Bella, listen to me, honey. Your mother's controlling you." Hook said as he put his hands up.

"Mommy's not controlling me. She's helping me see what's gonna happen if I don't do this." Bella said before Henry took a step towards her.

"Ellie, Mama's manipulating you."

"You guys are the ones manipulating me." Bella said, sending a glare to everyone as she took a couple steps back.


"Fairy Godmother's wand is missing." Ben said after his phone went off.

"Oh. You mean this wand?" Bella asked with a smirk as she held the wand up.

"I've been down this road before, B. You know who helped me? You. Now I'm gonna return the favor." Mal said as she cautiously walked forward.

"I don't need your help." Bella said with a scoff.

"Bel, give me the wand, okay?" Henry said as he held his hand out for the wand.

"Nah. Tata!" Bella said with a smirk before she used the wand to disappear.


"Bella took Fairy Godmother's wand. We don't know where she went." Mal informed as she looked down at her shoes.

"We should've kept a better eye on Cora. I knew she was up to something." Adam said with a sigh as he turned around and looked at everyone.

"Dad, this isn't your fault." Ben said, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Yes, it is. I should've protected your sister better." Adam said with a sigh as he looked down.

"How'd you know Cora was manipulating Bella?" Evie asked as she looked at the Hook family.

"I was snooping around Cora's castle and found a spell for a potion. Whoever drinks it turns evil." Hannah said with a sigh as she messed with her sleeves.

"It takes a couple hours to take effect and it wears off after a few hours, but knowing Cora, she's gonna make sure that it never wears off of Bella." Hook informed, his children nodding in agreement.

"Wait. What does this potion look like?" Carlos asked after he looked up.

"It's pink. It can be mixed with any drink though. Why?" Henry asked as he sent a curious look to his sister's fiancé.

"Yesterday when I went to pick Bella up from Cora's, she was drinking this weird drink. I thought it was just pink lemonade, but I guess Cora mixed it with her potion. This is all my fault." Carlos said with a sigh.

"No, Carlos. It's not your fault. There's no way you could've known." Hook said as he patted the De Vil boy on the shoulder.

"I want every guard on the look out for Cora and Bella. None of you are to go anywhere without a guard with you. We can't risk Cora finding you, too. James, I'll have some guards show you, Henry, and Hannah to your rooms shortly. I want Bella home now." Adam commanded, looking at the guards by the door before leaving.

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