23. audrey

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"Wake up, Bay

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"Wake up, Bay. Come on. It's time for breakfast." Carlos said before the little girl rubbed her eyes.

"Hi, Carlos."

"Hi, Pup. Come on. You gotta get up." Carlos said before Baylee sighed dramatically and got out of her bed.

"Okay. Will you brush my hair?" Baylee asked before she gave him her puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, come on." Carlos said before he sat down and she sat on his lap.


"Yeah, Monkey?"

"Are you gonna propose to Sissy?" Baylee asked before Carlos shrugged.

"I don't know, Lee. Depends if she loves me, too." Carlos said before Baylee turned around and looked at him.

"Can I tell you a secret?—but you can't tell nobody!" Baylee said before Carlos chuckled.

"I won't. I promise. What's the secret, Pup?" Carlos asked after he went beck to brushing her hair.

"Bella loves you, too!" Baylee said before Carlos stopped brushing her hair.

"She does?"

"Yeah! She told me!" Baylee said as she looked at him.

"Did she now?" Carlos asked as he finished brushing her hair.

"Yeah!—but don't tell her I told you." Baylee said before Carlos chuckled.

"Okay, Bug."

"You're coming to my recital, right?" Baylee asked as she looked at him.

"Yep. Front row seats." Carlos said before Baylee smiled.

"Pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise. Now come on. Let's go get breakfast." Carlos said before they left Baylee's room.

"Morning. Got Bay's flowers." Evie said after she put the bouquet on the counter.

"Sorry. Morning." Jay said as Carlos walked in and looked at the flowers.



"I really think B's gonna like the cake, you guys." Carlos said as Evie tossed apples to Jay.

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh no. Okay, who got into Bella's cake?" Carlos asked after he saw that a corner was missing from the anniversary cake.


"I especially love the lack of dirt." Celia said as she and Dizzy ate some cake.

"—and the lack of flies." Dizzy said before Celia nodded.

"Want some?"

"Thank you."

"Looks like Carlos forgot about your anniversary and Baylee's recital, huh?" Chad asked as Bella did Baylee's hair.

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