14. kiss the girl

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"Hi, Bay

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"Hi, Bay." Ben and Bella chorused after opening her bedroom door.

"They did it! You're back! I missed you!" Baylee smiled as she hugged her brother and sister.

"We missed you, too, Monkey."



"Bay, did you tell anyone about what happened?" Ben asked before Baylee shook her head.

"No. No one else but Humphrey knows. He came with me. Remember?" Baylee asked before the two chuckled.

"We remember."

"We trust Humphrey. We know he won't tell anyone." Bella said as Ben nodded.

"Yeah, he's a pretty trustworthy dude. I'm having a tea party. Wanna come?" Baylee asked as she gestured to the table in the corner of her room.

"Sorry, Bay. Tonight's Cotillion. We all have to get ready, remember?" Bella asked.

"Oh yeah. Can we have it tomorrow?" Baylee asked.



"Let's bring it in, boys. Let's bring it in. Alright. You all know I come from the Isle, right?—where things are pretty whack. No, but there is one thing the Isle's got on Auradon. If you're strong, we want you by our side. Girl or boy." Jay said.

"Hey, Jay. Hold on here. We don't break the rules in Auradon. That's over on the Isle." Chad said with a chuckle.

"The team shall be comprised of a captain and eight men. So give it up for your new team captain." Jay said before the team clapped and bowed as Lonnie walked in.

"Whoa. What?" Chad asked as Jay gave Lonnie the whistle.

"Thank you." Lonnie said before she looked at Chad.


"Give me ten! Come on, guys. Pick it up, Chad. Nice form, Jay. Okay, practice is over. Get out of here. Go get ready for Cotillion. Hey, Jay." Lonnie said as Jay turned around.


"Wait until I tell my mom." Lonnie said with a smile.

"Let's get out of here." Jay chuckled before they left.

"So that's what happened?" Bella asked as she helped Evie get everything ready for her deliveries.

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