26. the knights

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"How did Mal break my spell?" Audrey asked as she watched the group through the scepter

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"How did Mal break my spell?" Audrey asked as she watched the group through the scepter.

"I don't know."

"What is Uma doing here?" Audrey asked as she looked at Chad.

"Hey! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Chad said before Audrey threw a glass bowl at him.

"Come clean, Chad. Where did they go?" Audrey asked as Chad scurried to the wall.

"I don't know. I don't know, okay? I can go check for you. How about that?" Chad asked before he started to crawl to the door.

"Stay! It's about to get a little ugly." Audrey said with a laugh as she pet Chad on the head.


"This way."


"Ben could be asleep anywhere." Mal said with a sigh as they followed Dude though the castle.

"—or turned to stone." Celia said before Evie covered her mouth.



"I got a scent: very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people." Dude said as the teenagers looked at him.

"That's great, Dude."

"FYI: I give great cuddles, too." Dude said before the group started to walk towards him.

"Really? I never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the elk head in Dad's man cave, but that wasn't really—" Gil started before Uma looked at the wall.

"Hold up. What's this?" Uma asked as she looked at the claw marks on the walls, making Baylee back into Jay.

"Uh oh."

"Any chance this was already there?" Carlos asked with a nervous chuckle as he looked at his girlfriend and best friend, who looked at each other.

"Follow me." Dude said before the group followed him into the room with the knight statues.

"Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben!"

"Bubba! Stay here, okay?" Bella said as she looked at Celia and Baylee, who nodded.

"I can feel you looking." Harry said as he looked at the armor before looking at Jay.


"So you can track, cuddle, and talk. Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk, too?" Gil asked as he pet Dude.

"Alright, man. He's taken. You want a dog?—adopt a rescue." Carlos said.

"Talking puppies. That's crazy." Dude said with a laugh.

"Come here."

"He seems nice." Dude said as Celia pet him.

"I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose, huh?" Uma asked as she glanced Mal and Bella.

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