28. the cottage

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"That was a really good idea to check Audrey's room

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"That was a really good idea to check Audrey's room. Now we know we're on the right track." Mal said as Uma, Bella, and Celia ate some of the anniversary cake.

"Is there an insult in there that I missed?" Uma asked before Mal chuckled.

"I wanted to thank you."

"No! You think you're on the right track? We're not going anywhere! Let's mess them up a little." Audrey as she looked at Chad.

"I say we go back to my place and maybe bing watch some tv. Huh? Or maybe order some stuff online? Yeah? Yeah. What about pizza, huh? Yeah, you don't like pizza. Salad? No, no, no, no, no! Audrey! Audrey!" Chad yelled after Audrey looked him in the pantry.

"I don't know whose anniversary it is, but I want this cake." Uma said as she and Mal ate some cake.

"So I maybe kinda missed the boat a little bit on calling you Shrimpy and not letting you join the gang." Mal said.

"Yeah. We really could've torn up the Isle together. Oh!" Uma said after some boards appeared on the windows and doors.

"Are you guys okay?" Bella asked after she ran over to the girls.



"We're trapped!"


"What's going on?" Evie asked after she and Doug ran over.

"You caused my friends pain and fear. We've had enough now disappear! You guys, I'm sorry. My spells aren't working. Audrey's magic is getting stronger." Mal said as she looked at everyone.

"You caused our friends pain and fear. We've had enough now disappear!" Uma and Mal chorused after Uma looked at her shell.


"You did it. Together. This is what I've been talking about." Evie said before Uma and Mal looked at each other.

"I guess my shell likes you. Why don't you hold onto that?" Uma suggested after she handed the ember to Mal.

"Hey, it's your baes." Celia said before Bella and Mal ran to Ben and Carlos.



"Oh! I'm so glad you're okay!" Carlos said after Bella ran and kissed him.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked after he hugged Mal.

"Yeah. I'm so much better right now. You okay?" Mal asked before Ben nodded.


"You okay?" Harry asked before Uma nodded.

"I always knew you'd be part of the solution." Ben said before Uma looked down.

"What is this?" Mal asked as she looked at her boyfriend's beard.

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