34. the proposal, part two

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"You're my brother? When'd you remember?" Bella asked as she, Harry, Uma, and Ben sat around her room

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"You're my brother? When'd you remember?" Bella asked as she, Harry, Uma, and Ben sat around her room.

"Just a couple days ago. I was just sitting around and I suddenly remembered everything. We have a sister named Hannah; she's my twin. We also have an older brother named Henry. Han and I are only nine months older than you and you aren't even our twin, but the three of us were inseparable. We did everything together. We were best friends. Do you think it can be like that again?" Harry asked before Bella sent him a small smile and a nod.

"Of course it can."

"Bel, FGM gave you your memories from the Isle back. Do you not remember them?" Ben asked before the queen shook her head.

"No. I remember seeing Harry, but I didn't think he was my brother. I thought that I just saw him around all the time." Bella said as she played with the rings on her fingers.

"Do you remember Hannah and Henry?" Ben asked before Bella shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe. They're probably in my memories somewhere." Bella said as she kept her focus on her jewelry.

"What do they look like, Songbird?" Uma asked before Bella let out a small sigh and closed her eyes.

"They both have dark hair. The boy's taller. He's wearing dark-almost black clothes. The girl's clothes look more like a pirate's outfit. Then there's Harry. He's carrying around an old hook." Bella said before she opened her eyes to see Harry nodding.

"Yeah. That's Dad's. He gave it to me before Mom sent him away." Harry said before his sister sent him a look.

"Sent him away? Why?"

"El, I think you should find out for yourself. Your memories will come back on their own." Harry said, Uma and Ben nodding in agreement.


"It's your childhood nickname. I'll see you at the party. If you have any questions, let me know." Harry said before he kissed her on the head and headed for the door.

"Hey, Harry?" Bella called before the brunette turned around. 


"I remember. She sent him away because he didn't agree with Mom about my destiny, but what's my destiny?"

Everyone in the room watched the pirate with curiosity as they watched all the color drain from his face.

"Hey, Pops. You're looking a little nervous." Ben said after he walked over to Adam, who was standing on the balcony and overlooking the party.

"She's up to something. I know it." Adam said, his eyes trained on Cora.

"Maybe she just wanted to visit Bel." Ben said with a shrug before he glanced at his father.

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