Chapter one- OMG..... My flight is by 5:00pm

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"Mia...Mia, wake up." I heard Dayne say while shaking my shoulders lightly.

I opened my eyes slowly with my brows scrunched in confusion.

Why in the world was he waking me up?

"You fell asleep." He explained quietly.
"Oh..... Dayne, what time is it?" I stretched lazily on the bed.

He reached for his phone on the nightstand.
"It's 12:00 pm."
"It's noon already! I slept for twenty hours." I said as my eyes widened in horror.

Twenty hours! Geez, I should win a world record or something.

"You were really tired Mi." He said stifling a laugh at my reaction.

Suddenly a light bulb flickered in my head.
"You said it was 12:00 pm right?" I asked as my eyes widened in horror.

"Yes I did," Dayne replied looking confused. I was really acting like a maniac, so I can't really blame him for looking at me that way.

Shit! My flight is by 5:00 pm and I haven't packed a thing." I said as I started panicking.

"Oh my God Dayne what am I going to do?" I asked, feeling a panic attack building up.

"First you got to calm down. So breathe in and out." Dayne told me soothingly.

I followed his instructions and found out that I became calmer.

"Mi you don't have to panic. You got friends, just call a bunch of them and they will help you." Dayne suggested.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I didn't think of that. You are the best Dayne." I said hugging him tightly.
"Well thank you." He said imitating a British accent.

I laughed as I hurriedly picked up my bag that was on the beanbag.
"See you later Dayne," I said kissing him hastily on the cheek and hurrying downstairs.
"Yeah later." He waved from upstairs.
I turned back and ran back the stairs to hug Dayne as my life depended on it.

"I love you so much, Dayne." I nuzzled into his shirt.
"I love you more Mia." He kissed my forehead lovingly.

I released him and waved him goodbye.

When I got to the living room I saw Aiden as usual glued to his video game.

"Hey, Aiden."
He looked up from his video game and his face brightened when he saw me.

"Hey, Mia, nice legs you got there sister-in-law." I just laughed and walked out.

I swear that kid and his perverted jokes. I am certain of one thing he's going to be a player. If he isn't already.

When shit happens, you call your best friend to help you out.
Which is why I started dialing Ashley's number immediately I got into my car. She picked up almost immediately.
"Hey M." She chirped happily.

Isn't she a ray of sunshine.

"Hey, Ash."
"So what's up?... You only call when bad things happen to you." She said snickering on the phone.
"No, I don't." I denied vehemently.

I don't call her only when I have problems. It's like most of the time, not all the time.

"Whatever razzles your berries." She said scoffing.

Even on the phone I still feel like pushing Ash down a bridge. Mental note to watch how to get away with murder.

"You're weird Ash... Razzles your berries?" I said, scrunching my brows in confusion.
"You're my friend, so both of us are weird. Ever heard of the saying 'Birds of the same feather flock together." Ash said giving me a smart ass reply.

"I got something to tell you, Ash," I said ignoring her reply.
"Oh no, I just knew it; you finally did it...M, I told you to wait till after marriage. Now I am going to be a godmother, with little children call me aunt Ashley.

This is all Dayne's fault, he pressured you into this.
When next I see him am going to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, and he can be sure of never having kids. 'cause when I kick, I never miss my aim."

I imagined Ash looking furious with her red hair complementing her mood, and her hazel eyes blazing with anger as she kicked Dayne where the sun doesn't shine.

I mean a 5ft3inch Ashely going at 6ft5inch Dayne, it would be totally hilarious.

Ash is such a drama queen, where did she get that idea from?

"Ash stop! No one is getting kicked in the balls, I am not pregnant.I'm still a virgin."

"Phew what a relief. Good thing I had to save my ninja skills. So why did you call then?" She asked sighing dramatically.

"Remember I told I was traveling to New York today for that thirty days thing."

"Yeah, how can I forget?... You are going to be with a hottie in the same house for thirty days. Lucky bitch, I feel so jealous." She said with a wistful sigh.

She has a fiancé by the way and he's hot. I mean I don't do the slutty thing of shagging my best friend fiancé. It was just a simple compliment.

"Well Ash, that may not happen."
"What?........ Why not? Don't tell me you're chickening out girl, 'cause I'll whip your ass all the way to New York."
"No, of course, I'm not... It's just that I just woke up and I haven't packed a thing, Ash." I told her, sounding horrified.

"No problem I can help you pack. I'll be there in thirty minutes, I just want to stop off and get you a parting gift." She said sounding mischievous.

"No don't bother," I said quickly.

I have witnessed Ash's mischief on the first hand, trust me it's never good.

"Not asking for your opinion, see you later M."
"Bye," I said hanging up.

I will just have to wait to see what Ashley has up her sleeve.

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Thank you all for all your continued support.😀

I will update as soon as I can.
Love you all

Until then..... Adios.

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