Chapter twenty-nine- It hurts... Please take it away.

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A/N- I can't survive without writing, so here I am despite having exams next month.😂
Sorry for not updating in time 'cause of my shitty schedule. This is why my next book "Imperfectly Dangerous' will be written during my break.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," I told the driver which happened to be sulking Jason.

Apparently after our argument yesterday about his father. Jason decided to follow me this morning. He insisted he'll follow me to see his father. His excuse being 'I can't let my three-day-old girlfriend go alone. It means chivalry is dead.' But I knew that despite Jason not wanting to express his emotions, a part of him misses his father and wants to see him.

"I know no one is forcing me to accompany you. I'm doing it 'cause I want to." He said, still sulking.
"So why are you sulking?" I raised my brows.
"I'm not sulking. This is how my face is every time." He replied in an 'as a matter of fact' manner.

"So if I should kiss you right now, it's going to remain this way?" I barely managed to stifle a giggle as his eyes widened.
"Ermm... I don't know... I'm not..." Jason stammered barely managing to get any reasonable sentence out.

"So why don't you pull over and let's have a make-out session. I want to know if your face will still remain this way." I smirked.
"N-no i-i'm... You know what, you're right. I'm not happy I'm going with you to see my dad, but I care about you so much that I won't be at peace if you go alone." Jason shrugged his shoulders.

Aww... I think I just fell more for Jason. My boyfriend is the best.

"You know the driver and the bodyguard 'you have but rarely use' could have gone with me," I said as-a-matter-of-fact.
"I won't feel good if you've gone alone. So here I am accompanying you to see someone I swore never to see again no matter the pressure. That's why they said one should never love because you do things you never want to do." He grumbled.

"You don't have to follow me in. You can just wait in the car." I said smiling gently while placing my palm on his.

Whatever Jason's reason was for hating his father, it must be a valid one which I aim to find out from his father today. Jason is usually calm and rational, so I'm surprised at how he vehemently opposed to seeing his father.

"That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll wait in the car." He said while parking the car in the lot.

I was surprised we were there already but I was too anxious to care at the moment. So I got down from the car and went into the elderly home. I told the receptionist my name, and she said he's been waiting for me. After giving me directions on how to get to his room, she resumed her typing.

When I pictured Jason's father in my mind, nothing prepared me for the person I saw. He was muscular and on the really tall side. I could see who Jason got his good genes from. He had brown hair with some strands of grey hair. He looked like he was in his fifties.

I knocked on the door to request entrance despite the door being open. It just felt like barging into his room without his approval is rude.

"You must be Mia right?" He asked, smiling widely at me as he offered his hand for a handshake.
"Yes, sir." I smiled back as I accepted his handshake.
"So nice to finally meet you," He said glancing around, obviously looking for him.
"He didn't come?" He sighed sadly.

"He actually came but decided he didn't want to come upstairs. He's in the parking lot." I muttered sadly.

"At least you were able to bring him here. From what my father told me, Jason said that he never wants to see me again. At least he's in the parking lot, I thought he'll never come. Thanks for making him come even though he's in the lot." He smiled widely at me, revealing his dimples.

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