Chapter thirty- I think we should go on a vacation.

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A/N - This is the first draft. Sorry if there are any errors.

All my life I yearned for one thing I cannot name.
-Andre Breton.

Jason has been really in a foul mood since his father's burial two days ago. He rarely eats, nods or shakes his head when spoken to, and he's always in his room brooding. So I had to call Daphne to actually know what to do so he can cheer up. Daphne suggested a week vacation in Bora Bora, which I think is a pretty good idea. So I told her to invite a few of his friends from college because friends are actually a good step towards recovery from grief. The only thing left for this vacation to be a success is to get Jason to agree to tag along.

I stride across the room to the bed Jason was currently on while staring at the ceiling of the room unblinking.

"Hey, Jason... How is the best boyfriend in the world doing? " I slide under the duvet as I placed my head on his chest while I placed my left arm over his stomach.

"M&M missed you too. " He said placing his chin on my head as he weaved his arm around my waist. He tried smiling but I saw the glint of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry about your dad," I whispered as I placed a kiss on his chest.
"It's okay. What will be will be." He muttered sadly.

"So to cheer you up Daphne and I came up with a vacation. Of course, it wouldn't be just us because that will just be boring as hell. We invited some of your college friends. It's going to just be a week so you won't miss much business... " I was rambling before Jason cut me off.
"So what you want to know right now is if I will want to come?"
"Will you? I mean it would be amazing if you agree. I don't want to pressure you or anything but..."
"Yes, I will love to go. " He placed a kiss on my forehead.
"It's okay if you don't... Wait you agreed so easily! How come?" I looked Jason over like he had suddenly developed two heads or a rare disease.

Jason just chuckled as I kept looking at him like he suddenly became an alien.

"I'm fine Mia. If it's what will make you happy, then why not? Besides you arranged it to make me happy. Don't think I haven't noticed you act like you are treading on eggshells ever since my dad died. It's like you want to do something but you suddenly change your mind like you don't want to offend me. I don't want anything affecting our relationship. Yes I miss my dad and I regret that some stuff happened and I didn't have the time to right those wrongs, but the fact remains that it's past and you are both my present and future." He kissed my forehead gently.

I just threw my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"Thanks so much. "
"So after the present and future declaration, I don't get a kiss from you? " He smiled mischievously.
"Shut up dork. " I said placing my mouth on his.
I knew that the Jason I once knew was coming back.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We all came down from Jason's private plane as we landed in Bora Bora. Daphne already introduced Jason's four college friends. Dave and Jake are twins and currently famous quarterback for the Lions.

Apparently, they dropped their jaws when they discovered I didn't know them or their club. When Daphne pointed to them during the introductions obviously expecting me to know their names, but when I kept looking as clueless as a doorknob. One of the twins which I later got to know was Dave, with his eye wide as saucers asked 'You really do not know who we are? ' I shook my head slowly.

I was wondering why everyone was making a big deal of it. I mean come on I'm just meeting you people for the first time! Jeez!

When I shook my head that I didn't know them, everyone suddenly started laughing even that traitor Jason.

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