Chapter three- Don't choose love......Let your heart choose.

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"Hey grandpa, I'm leaving. The cab is already here and I don't want to be late for my flight."
I hollered from downstairs.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Mia, I will be right down." My grandpa said surprising me.

My grandpa is not like other old people, he still acts like a teen , uses our choice of words and doesn't act like those old cranky Grandma's who judge teenagers like they have never done anything bad in their teenage age.

Which if you ask me is outright pretense. If you know them, you will probably find out they did worse.

"There you are, thought you didn't want to wish your favorite grand daughter goodbye to the hell of 30 days you are sending her to." I said pouting and giving him my best puppy eyes.

"You're my only grand daughter Mia, so definitely you will be my favorite. There is no one to compare you to." My grandpa replied slyly.

Crafty old man.

"Grandpa how much do you love me?" I said pouting.
"Very much, so much that it can't be measured." He grinned as he nodded his silver hair with streaks of brown.

"Well if you love me that much, it's not too late to reconsider your decision you know." I said, playing the pity card.

"Mia it's because I love you that's why I am pulling out the big guns.
You know this arranged marriage and dating is against my policy, but I have known Jason since he was a boy, though you both haven't met because of you started living with me when you were eight after your parents died in that car accident." He said looking sullen.
I could tell grandpa was hurt when my parents died, but he pulled himself together just for me.
I patted grandpa's shoulder with the aim of consoling him.

He just nodded his head in acknowledgement as he kept on speaking.

"When you started living with me, Jason already went to a boarding school. Though I still speak to him since over the years. He calls me as often as his busy schedule can allow. I haven't seen him for quite sometime, and anytime I go visit his grandfather he's always on a business trip.
I still know Jason is a good boy Mia, and I know he will make you happy."
"But I got Dayne already, and he makes me happy." I protested grumpily.

"Trust me Mia he is not the one, and you will say so later. There is something telling me that Jason is the one."

Is this a joke?

Even Ashley said the same, what is wrong with them and why do they think Jason is the so-called man of my dreams?

I wanted grandpa to be happy, so I was doing this for him.
When he had the heart attack I was scared I will lose the only family I had, but I'm glad that he is ok now.

"Ok grandpa. I am doing it, not like I have a choice." I said feeling resigned, as I shook my blonde hair sadly.
"Your parents would have been so proud of you." My grandpa sniffed.
"Grandpa stop being sentimental.
It's not even my wedding yet!"
I said trying to sound tough.

"Mia just know that whatever decision you take, I will be there to support you."
"I know, I know. I love you Gramps." I said tearing up as my hands became clammy, and my nose runny a little.

Grandpa just laughed at my failed attempt to stop the tears.

"Now who is the big baby?... come here and give grandpa a hug."
I went into his arms and hugged him like my life depended on it. Burying my face in the crook of his neck as I inhaled his cologne which smelt like flowers.

"That's ok, you would not want grandpa to die from lack of oxygen." He chuckled as he tapped my back. I hurriedly released him.

"Grandpa take care and don't forget to take your medicine...Okay?" I said trying to give him a stern stare.
"No problem ma." He said as he saluted mockingly.

I just laughed and started gathering my things to the front porch.
Grandpa always knew how to lighten the mood every time.

"Mia." my grandpa called me as I was about entering the cab.
"Yes grandpa."
"Give him a chance. Okay?" He said looking pleadingly.
"Sure I will." I said nodding my head to assure him.

Grandpa then waved me goodbye as I entered the cab.
"One more thing Mia."
"And what is it?" I asked tiredly.

Since when does grandpa talk like an inspirational speaker?

"Don't make a mistake. Don't choose love, let your heart choose it."
He then walked back into the house leaving me confused.

I then decided that I would listen to grandpa and Ash's advice, and not judge Jason on first sight.

But I still don't get what grandpa meant.

How the hell will my heart choose for me?

There you have it.
Chapter three is up😁😁

Just started reading this book @sweetdreamer33 "Sweet bastard" she's good. Check her books out.

Chapter four will be updated soon.
Just hang on and keep recommending my book to your friends.

# If you feel there is something I'm not getting.
I'm not perfect, please do tell me.

Until then..... Adios😘😘😘😘

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