Chapter two.... You are Fashion Deficient.

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I was licking my ice-cream when I heard the doorbell ring.

That must be Ashley.

I quickly hurried to open the door for her.

"Hey Ash, thanks for coming over," I said, as I giving her a quick hug.

"You're welcome M, besides I wouldn't want my fashion deficient friend to go to New York and give them a scare." She said smirking.

I knew Ash was going to make reference to my college experience, and she proved me right.

"Just thinking of that makes me remember the college dinner party, which was totally hilarious by the way." She said laughing really loud, as she held the doorpost to support herself.

Ashley will never let me live that down.
Ashley was sick, and I really had to go to the college dinner party.
So I wore a striped gown with a striped shoe and carried a striped bag. For the first time in my life, I was totally feeling like a fashionista.
Sadly when I got to the party, I learned striped doesn't go with striped after a huge embarrassment.
Those were dark moments, Let's just say I will never go for a party without an expert's advice.

"Ash," I said feigning annoyance.

"Sorry M, just admit it was hilarious." She heaved as she kept on laughing while her hazel eyes twinkled in amusement.

Since her laughter is always infectious, I found myself joining her soon enough.
After we laughed for quite some time we then stopped.

"So let's get down to business." Ashley then said as she swayed her hips playfully.

Ashely has always been the person with the model-like figure. With her long legs and her well-tanned body, which I felt jealous about.

I couldn't even stay for five minutes under the sun without looking like an over-bloated pumpkin. Sometimes I feel cheated by nature.

We went to my room, then Ashley dropped her bag on the chair.

"Well, let's see what you have here." She said opening my closet.
"Suit yourself," I said as I propped on the couch finishing my ice cream which was almost melted thanks to Ashley.

After five minutes of searching, Ashley brought her head out of the closet looking frustrated.

"M, you totally have nothing here," she exclaimed.
"What! I have clothes I wear." I defended.
Ashley then looked at me like she was talking to a kid.
"Those aren't clothes M." She deadpanned.
"Then what are they?" I asked her challengingly.

"They are clothes that say..... I am a young grandma with no fashion sense." She said bluntly shaking her red hair furiously as she placed her hands on her hips.

She didn't just say that!

Then she suddenly looked like she had a brilliant idea.

"That's it," she said excitedly.
"What?" I asked suddenly curious.
"Remember those many clothes I used to buy for you for almost no occasion. When I buy for you because I felt like." She said smiling widely.

I don't like where this was going.

"Yes I do, what happened to them?" I asked her feeling suspicious. With Ash, one can never be certain.
"Well, I'm going to select thirty different outfits for you from them. And I'm sure they are down your closet, which is why I didn't find them." She said while narrowing her eyes suspiciously and gazing at me darkly.
"But Ash they are too skimpy." I protested looking at her with a defiant stare.

She wasn't even paying attention to me, as she kept ransacking my own closet.
When she found all the clothes, she just packed all the thirty outfits for me.

"Well M with this outfit you will change from.....'Hey, I lack fashion sense' to 'Hey I'm just this hot." She said flicking her hair.

"Whatever," I grumbled falling back on the couch.
"Keep sulking, that's not going to change my mind." She said smirking again.

I tell you this amount of smirking ain't normal.

She knew I was trying to play the pity card.
I then gave her my best puppy eyes.
"That's not going to work M, forget it." She deadpanned looking serious.

Well, there goes my plan to appeal.

"I got you a little parting gift, let me get it from my bag," she said squealing as she jumped on my bed excitedly.
"Ash stop, what are you?... Twelve?" I asked looking at her weirdly.
"Don't rain on my parade." She sassed.

She then opened her bag and brought out two shopping bags.

"What's that?" I asked as I eyed the bag suspiciously.
"Patience M, this bag," she said, as she held up the bigger bag.
"Holds the outfit you will wear to the airport, don't want you making a bad first impression. We all know the first impression counts a lot."

"But Ash ......" I said as I protested but she cut me short.
"Shhh... Didn't ask for your opinion." She said silencing me.
"This other bag." She held up the other bag.
"Contains hot underwear I got from Victoria secret."

"Wow...thanks Ash." I gushed faking excitement. She noticed my fake enthusiasm and laughed at my face.

"You're welcome." She then packed the bags inside my box.
After she was done, she started preparing to go.

"M, when you go to New York I want you to keep your options open. Something in my guts just tells me Jason may be the right one."
"Yeah the new guy must always be the good one. Please we aren't acting some lame cliche movie here. " I scoffed.
"No one said we are acting one. " She scoffed right back at me.

Ashely just like grandpa feels that Dayne isn't the right one for me.
I wish they can see Dayne for whom he is.

"Make sure you Skype me everyday and call me as soon as you get there." She hollered as she got into her car.
"Sure.....bye Ash."
"Bye and have fun with Mr hottie pants." She yelled as she drove away.

I simply laughed at her statement. Ashely has always been the crazy one. We balance each other and that was what I loved about us being friends.

Well like it or not New York here I come.

# here is chapter two.

Picture above is Mia's airport outfit.

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I'll update soon.

Until then..... Adios😊

Bella Thorne!!!!

Bella Thorne!!!!

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