Chapter twenty-seven- I don't regret it.

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This chapter is dedicated to TheConceitedPeacock

Happy new year everyone!🍻
I hope this year brings so much happiness to everyone.
Enjoy the update☕

Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you.
-Sarah Dessen.

I weakly opened my eyes as it adjusted to the dimly lighted environment. As the drug slowly wore off, I suddenly realized I was kidnapped. The only question is where exactly am I?

I was trying to pull at the rope that they used to tie my hands to an iron bar. At least the fool wasn't cliche enough to tie me to a chair.

I was still struggling with the rope when I heard someone clapping from behind me. Obviously, because the place was dim, I couldn't really see the person's face, but the body outline was masculine. I just hope it wasn't Dayne that has gone crazy ex on me, because I'll so be kicking his butt when I get out of here.

"Well well well... What do we have here? Sleeping beauty awake without a kiss from her prince charming." The person said in a really creepy voice.

I have certainly heard that voice before... But where?

"Who the hell are you? and what do you want with me?. Also, why have you brought me here?. You better let me go else Jason will find you and make you pay. He'll also..." I was shushed harshly by the man.
"Shut your fucking mouth," he yelled at me. "If anyone should be making any threat, it should be me and not the other way around."
"Who the hell are you anyway?" I yelled in frustration.

The figure came out from the shadows and when I saw him I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Frederick?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes Mia, missed me?" He smiled in a sickening way.

I was creeped out and shaking to my bones. I know Frederick hated me from his heart because of what I did to him.

"How-w did you get o-o-out of jail?" I stammered as every trace of confidence in me took a backpack.

"Good behavior. I couldn't wait to get my revenge on you, so I did everything possible to get out of jail. They let me out two months ago." He smirked evilly.

"I'm sure the person who let you out will be ashamed of himself or herself for being a bad judge of character. Only if they could see you now." I muttered hoping he didn't hear me. It wasn't until I felt him slap my left cheek, that I knew he heard me.

"Don't you dare. You're not so perfect yourself... You slut. I really respect you though. You've got Jason Steele wrapped around your little finger. He loves and adores you. I'm sure he can even kiss the ground you walk on if it'll make you happy."

I rubbed my cheek furiously and got rid of the tears already brimming in my eyes from the sting of the slap. I wouldn't give him the privilege of seeing me cry, 'cause that will make him happy.

"You're wrong though. He doesn't love me, and I haven't got him wrapped around my finger. He cares for me though, and that's what true friends do. I don't know if you know it but I'm sure my Jason will find you and make you pay." I said convincingly.

"You love him don't you?" He asked.

I didn't reply because I knew I love Jason, but the question was does he feel the same way?

"You both are pathetic. You love each other yet you're afraid to tell each other because you're scared to ruin your friendship if the other person doesn't feel the same. When I watched both of you at the shopping mall when you both got that necklace," He said gesturing at the Yin Yang necklace that both Jason and I as a sign of our friendship.
"I almost barfed when I saw the way you both were looking at each other. Too bad you both won't be able to tell each other because you are never getting out of here alive." He said while smirking evilly.

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