Chapter seven- Your name makes me think of Candy♥

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"Good morning." I greeted ma'am Pagnole as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning ma'am. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, thanks for your concern."
"It's no problem, ma'am."
"Where is Jason? haven't seen him this morning."
"He went to work early, there was a bit of crisis in the company."
"When did he say he would be back?"
"He said he'll be back as soon as he can, but knowing him It won't be anytime soon."

I sighed feeling disappointed.

I know he can't leave his work for me, after all, he's billionaire status is a result of his hard work.

I was just hoping I could really have fun for these thirty days.
Even if I didn't want to admit it out loud, I know Jason has really grown on me just these four days.
Every moment with him has been fun-filled.

Ma'am Pagnole noticing my sad countenance decided to make a suggestion.

"How about if you go meet him at the company?" She suggested looking excited.

"Won't he be mad at me for bothering him?"
She immediately started laughing but stopped when she noticed I was still waiting for her reply.

"I don't think Jason can ever be mad at you. You're his first priority.
He told me this morning that I should make sure you eat and make sure you have fun.
What does an old lady like me know about having fun?" She said with her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You're sure he won't be mad?" I scrunched my brows.

"Have seen how he has taken to you. Trust me he'll be glad you came. He works too much, he needs a break. The problem is he never listens." She concluded shaking her head.

"Well I'm going to take your advice, just that if this doesn't go well you're making me three ice-cream cakes," I said smiling craftily.
"And if it does?"
"You'll make me five," I said laughing.

"What's my gain?" She asked smiling.

"You get to say you told me."
"That's not fair....but it's fine."
"Life is never fair ma'am Pagnole," I said like an inspirational speaker.

"You're right ma'am Mia.
What would you like for breakfast?" She said, probably not wanting to argue with me.

"Waffles and coffee would be good."
"Ok, ma'am."

"I would have loved to help you like I usually do, but I just remembered I haven't called my best friend and my head will be on a gold platter soon."

"I'm sure your best friend loves you. I mean who wouldn't?"

"Let's just hope that is enough to save me," I said faking tears as I went upstairs.

I dialed Ashley's number on my phone, well Ash is quick she picked on the second ring.

"You have some explaining to do girl." She said immediately she picked up.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could mutter.

"Last I checked that's no explanation chica." She said waving my apology away.

"Well everything has been overwhelming, so it kind of skipped my mind, but I'm really sorry Ash."

"Well, you will only be forgiven on one condition."
"And that is....."

"You tell me all about your four days?
Is it good?
Is it better than you expected?" She asked excitedly probably hopping on her bed.

Trust Ashley to forget about a grudge because of gossip.

"Slow down, I'll tell you all about it," I said happily she forgave me so quickly.

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