Chapter eleven- You forgot to take your Pile drugs.

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"Mia isn't awake yet?" I asked Ma'am Pagnole as I entered the Kitchen.

Mia loves food a lot, so if she's awake the kitchen is her first point of contact.
I was surprised when I entered the kitchen, and I didn't see Mia.

"No Jax, do you want me to go wake her up?" She asked as she stood up and started advancing towards the door.

I hate when Nanny acts like a maid.

"No don't worry, I will go wake her up. Just prepare food for both of us." I said opening the door and going back upstairs.

I opened the door of Mia's room and saw her sprawled on the bed, with her pink pajamas.
When I came closer, I saw that she drooled a little bit.

I will definitely use that against her.

"Hey M&M wake up," I said as I gently shook her shoulders.

"Ashley I said the chocolate chips are mine." She said mumbling in her sleep, as she turned over to the other side of the bed. Obviously showing the signs of not being ready to wake up.

Interesting! So Mia talks in her sleep.

I went back to the kitchen to get some ice cubes.
"Is she awake already?" Ma'am Pagnole asked as she whisked the eggs.
"No, but she'll be awake in the next two minutes," I said grinning mischievously.

Ma'am Pagnole has raised me since I was little, knew my mischievous grin.
"What are you going to do?" She asked looking suspicious.
"You'll see, just get ready for screams," I said chuckling mischievously.

Ma'am Pagnole just gave me this eye 'don't you dare try a thing boy.'

I ignored her stare as I went on with my business.
I got ice-cubes from the freezer and dumped them into the jug.

Operation 'Mia get ready to scream', will be a success. I thought as I opened the door to her room.

"Wakey- wakey." I sang downing the ice cubes on her.

I have never seen action as swift as Mia's, she should be in the Olympics.
"Holy fudge, sweet mother of cheese crackers, what was that?" She asked while jumping off her bed hastily.
"You didn't want to get wake up so......" I trailed as I smiled craftily.

Mia's eyes narrowed at me, it was then I noticed that she didn't see at first.

"Jason!!" She yelled dragging her hair in frustration.
"Yes M&M," I responded, inserting a sweet sickly voice into it.

"I'm going to kill you." She said lounging at me, but totally missing me as she fell on the bed.
"Try harder Mia," I said laughing as I skipped out of the room.

"Get ready to die asshole." She screamed and started running after me as fast as her short legs could carry her.

She chased me down the stairs angrily.
We passed Ma'am Pagnole in the kitchen who just hollered about me being mean, and us keeping it down.

"Your short legs are the disadvantage sweetheart," I said teasing her as I kept running.

"You dare call me a midget, wait till....." She didn't finish her statement as she fell into the pool.

Mia was so preoccupied about catching me, that she didn't notice we have gotten to the pool area.

I laughed hysterically as I turned to see Mia looking like a drenched puppy.

"This is so picture-worthy," I said taking my iPhone out as I took her picture.
Mia looked absolutely mad in the picture.

"A little souvenir for me, you don't mind right?" I asked mockingly.

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