Chapter twenty-eight- Let's give it a try.

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A/N Hello Mia and Jason shippers(Jasia)✋
This chapter will make you all happy.

Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.
-E.E Cummings.

I was pacing around in the hospital hall, waiting impatiently for the doctor to show up and tell me how Jason was doing.

What if Jason... Don't think of such a silly thing Mia. I chanted to myself.

I was still chanting to myself when I saw the doctor walking in. I hurriedly ran to the doctor.

"Doctor, how is he doing?" I asked impatiently.
"He's awake and has been asking about you. Please go quickly and see him. He's been disturbing throughout his checkup even when he was in serious danger due to mushroom ingestion. Such a love-struck patient." The doctor muttered, then shrugged his shoulders and left.

I hurried into Jason's room and met him gazing at the ceiling boards. I then went closer to his bed and gave him a long hug.

"I was so scared, for a moment I thought you were going..." A tear slid down my face. I couldn't even bear to think of it.

Jason used his thumb to clean my cheeks as another tear that ran down my cheeks.

"I'm not going anywhere so don't worry. It was the mushroom reaction. I only fainted because the allergy reaction became really bad, and I didn't take any medication. The reason being that the person who was supposed to play Nurse got herself kidnapped on her way back from the drugstore. Such unprofessional medical behavior. Do you perhaps know her?" Jason teased me hoping to lighten the mood, and it worked so well.

"Stop teasing me, Jason. I was suddenly..." I tried explaining but Jason cut me off by placing his lips on mine.

I closed my eyes as I felt his soft and tender lips on mine. I've imagined so many times how kissing Jason would be, but never did imagine it as lovely as this. The kiss was so slow and drugging that it made me feel like the whole world stopped at the same time my breathing stopped.

At a moment I was debating if the kiss was really happening until I felt his arms wrap around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I could feel his uneven heartbeat pounding wildly, matching my own.

I wrapped my hands around his neck. His fingers curled into my skin, his hands brushing against the skin not covered by my shirt near the base of my back.
"Jason," I gasped.

And suddenly I felt like I was drowning in a sea without a life raft to keep me afloat. My hands suddenly went from his neck to his hair. The kiss was so intense and mind-numbing, something I wasn't used to at all.

When Dayne and I kissed it was never so intense.

With Jason, I felt like I was really special. It was like receiving a Christmas and birthday gift all at once. His fingers trailed around the exposed part of my waist. His slow-motion caresses made me restless, like a vampire that tasted a drop of blood and craved for more.

Just as he was about to part my lips and create an ocean deeper than I could imagine, a voice broke us apart.

"My hospital is not a hotel. Please hold your raging hormones till I discharge you tomorrow." The doctor said, then shut the door and went down the hall probably to check if more couples are making out in his hospital.

I glanced at Jason who in turn glanced at me. Suddenly we burst out laughing at the doctor's speech. When my stomach couldn't handle so much laughing, I knew I had to stop.

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