Chapter Sixteen- You read on wattpad?

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A/N please read💗💗

This chapter is dedicated toVictoria_Blackthorn for her lovely comments on the last chapter. Love you so much💖💖💖
ThanksLnDscripts JayRose97 for your constant support.
Thanks also to all my readers for your constant support. I'm here because of you all.


Tag everyone you think will be interested in reading this book in this chapter.
The person with the most tags gets to have the next chapter dedicated to him/her.
*Wink wink*

Peace out.🏃

Love: Two minds without a single thought. - Philip Barry.

"Where in the world have you been Mia?" Jason asked me as soon as I stepped into the living room.
He was tapping his foot furiously as he scrunched up his nose.

"Out," I said shrugging my shoulders.

It's not like he cares. He had his head holed up in his work.

"I was worried Mia when Ma'am Pagnole told me you went out, but haven't returned." He said as he sighed exasperatedly.

"When did she tell you this?"
"About thirty minutes ago."

I laughed bitterly and rolled my eyes.

"She told you barely thirty minutes ago and you're yelling at me?" I asked looking at him in disbelief.

Who the hell does he think he is.

"Ermmm... Yeah. Unlike you, some people actually pick up their calls. You know that green button you press to actually answer a call?" He replied sarcastically.

"Of course I know what it is." I sassed back.

"So where were you?" Jason asked furrowing his brows.

"While somebody was busy nosed up in the office with work, somebody called Mia was bored and decided to go to a diner."

"And that's a reason you didn't pick up your phone? For God's sake Mia I was worried." Jason said curling his hands in frustration.

"But you didn't even know until thirty minutes ago that I was gone. If I was kidnapped or killed I would have been gone a long time ago. I mean I was gone for five hours. Besides I'm a grown lady I can take care of myself. Also, stop acting like you're my fucking father." I retorted sourly.

I don't even know why I was mad at Jason. Maybe cause he didn't even notice I was gone till Ma'am Pagnole told him.

"Stop being irrational and needy Mia. I'm a fucking millionaire and I didn't attain that status by skipping around and taking people for sightseeing." Jason retorted in a cold voice.

"I'm being needy and irrational?" I asked Jason in disbelief. I can't believe he said that to me.

Where did the Jason I know go to?

"Yes and childish too. You work for your grandpa Mia. Did he attain his wealth by skipping around?" Jason said raising his brows.

"You know what... Fu*k you Jason. I don't even have the time to talk to you." I snarled.


Suddenly Jason started laughing really hard.

"Do you think it's funny?..... Why did you even take my picture?" I said frowning.

I won't take shit from him.

"You should have seen your face. It was really hilarious, man it's so good to release the tension of working in boredom in that office." He said still laughing in between.

"Such a tease and he thinks it's funny," I said grumbling under my breath.

"What was that Mia?" Jason asked coming closer to me.

He really smelt good. Something like vanilla essence with cider.
The black vest he was wearing clung to him like a second skin, outlining his perfect abs.
I think it should be against the law of nature for something that beautiful to exist. Even as he pouted a bit at me his lips totally looked kissable right now.
He sure looks like a good kisser.

Shit, Mia what are you fucking thinking. You have a fiance.

"Are you checking me out?" Jason asked, smirking in amusement.

"W-what of course not," I said stammering a little bit.

"You want us to make a cliche story. Where you fall in love with me but keep denying your feelings. Then after you realize your fiance is a douchebag, you finally accept I'm the right one for you. Ding-dong the perfect ever after." Jason said in a sickening cheerful voice.

"I love my fiance."

Such hypothetical statement Mia. You were just checking him out. Just admit he's hotter than Dayne. The devil in my head told me.

"That's what they all say," Jason said in a sing-song tone.

"I will never fall for you," I said with determination.

"Do you realize that's what all the FMC in wattpad novels say?" Jason said smiling cheekily.

"You read on wattpad?" I asked as my eyes widened.

Jason never ceases to amaze me.

"W-what? I never said so." He said chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his head.

"You so did. I'm sure I heard you right." I said persistently.

I cannot be deceived by him.

"Let's keep this a secret between the both of us ok?" Jason said when he noticed I wasn't buying his lie.

"On one condition," I said smiling craftily.
"Which is?"
"You stop all this your FBI questions and let me go up to my room and rest. I am super exhausted." I said outstretching my hand for a handshake.

"You've got a deal," Jason said taking my hand.

I was going upstairs when Jason called me back.

"You forgot the paper here." He said handing me the paper with Blake's number.

"Oh... Thanks." I replied retrieving the paper from him.

"Why does the paper have a male's name and number?" Jason asked suspiciously.

"Jason!!...... The deal remember."

"Ok ok." He said raising his hands in surrender.

"Thank you," I said going back upstairs.

"This isn't over Miss Montana."
He hollered at my retreating form.

"I never said it was Mr. Steele." I hollered back.


Chapter sixteen is up.

How do you see this chapter

🌸Too short


🌸Pretty good.

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This chapter is not edited as I'm uploading this by 4:00 am. I pulled an all-nighter for it.

Point out any error you see nicely.

The next update will be as soon as possible.

Please remember to vote,comment,share,fan.

Until then..... Adiós.😘😘😘

Love you all💖💖💖

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