CHAPTER THIRTY- TWO- Love is all about forgiving.

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Love is like a worm. It clings and never let's go.
               -Quote by your lovely author.

Since I came back two weeks ago from Bora Bora, I've been stuck in my room crying. I even cried harder when Jake finally sent Jason's embarrassing college pictures that he promised to send. I don't think he knew we split. I cried harder because it made me realize how much I missed Jason. Even when Ash came and met me crying, she felt a bit uncomfortable staying with me. One I kept insisting that I wanted to be alone and two I got to admit that when I'm sad I always dampen someone's mood. It's like my annoying superpower.

So when I finally got over my slump a bit, I told Ash what happened and, the only thing she could say was 'No one is at fault. You were trying to keep a promise and also from hurt. He was hurt because he felt like you were the only one that he could trust, so it hurt that you kept such a huge secret from him. Don't worry he'll get over it. You reacted the same way when you discovered I and Jason knew about Dayne cheating on you. Remember? So give him some time.'

That was her smart-ass reply, except what I needed right now was not a smart-ass reply but a practical answer, and that came from my grandpa. I think he was tired of my late-night crying as I watched sad romantic movies like 'Then came you', 'The fault in our stars', and so on.

"I'm not going to take your time, so maybe you can hold your tears a bit till I'm done. When I'm done you can either continue crying and watching your annoying sad romantic movies or you can get your ass up and face the world. Don't expect what I have to tell you to be some motivational speech, I'll just be as realistic as possible. Love isn't about all those times you spent together making each other smile or happy. It isn't about those times you said cute things to each other. Real love is tested when you have a problem with the person you love. If every time your grandma, when she was alive, made me angry or sad, I came into the room to cry rather than sorting it out. Do you know how pathetic it would make me look? I know that Jason is a good guy and will come to talk to you once he realized what he did or you did is not worth fighting over..." I tried explaining to him what Jason did, but he held up his hand.

"No, I don't want to hear anything. I don't want to know who is wrong or who is right. I'm way too old to take sides. What I want to let you know is that if Jason comes to you and tells you he is sorry, you're going to accept his apology. Because no matter what anybody says, you only get one person in this world you love with all your heart and you can give up everything for. Any person else you love is just you trying to forget the first person. Besides life is too short for you to keep getting angry at the person who loves you rather than spending quality time with them. I know Jason is that person for you, I mean come on you have been crying for him for two weeks. This is the highest I've seen you cry over a break-up." He finished and started standing up to take his leave.

I was about thanking him when he cut me short. "While you're at it, do clean and take a shower. It looks like a pig lives in here and you smell bad too." He smirked and left.
Cue eye roll. I have the best grandpa in the world. But whatever he said made me get my ass off my bed and into the real world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So remember when I said I was coming back into the real world. Apparently, Ash has been waiting for me to get out of my slump so we can shop for her wedding, sorry did I say her wedding, she said our wedding. Someone probably needs a drill and a hammer to get it into that girl's head that Jason and I are over. Apparently, I tried, but it seems like the harder I tried the harder she pulled. So I just went with the flow, so she doesn't become crazier than she is.

"I think this lingerie will be good for the wedding night. Right, Mia?" I was about to reply, only that she wasn't actually asking for my opinion, it was just a formality.
"Yeah it will be good... Go try it out in the dressing room." She handed me the lingerie which she thought was perfect for me.

So I just went into the dressing room and changed. When I came out, It was obvious Ash didn't like it.
"You look like someone threw up on you."

Wow! That was a pretty nice description. I thought sarcastically in my head.

While Ash was on her rampage towards finding the right 'sexy' underwear, I tried striking up a conversation.
"So who is going to be your maid of honor?"
"Oh, it's going to be Lisa Fleming."
"Really?... But you don't really like her. You said she's way too pretentious for you."
"Yeah... The things you do when you and your best friend want to get married on the same day." She shrugged and continued searching the rack.

I was about to point out that I wasn't getting married anytime soon but like always she interrupted me.

"This is the one... It's definitely the one." She said holding up black lingerie with red dots. It was in between slutty and innocent. Like I'm trying to be hot but not actually trying at all. This lingerie was definitely me.
"So do you like it?" Ash asked me. And like before she didn't wait for my reply or opinion. She just put the lingerie in my hand and shoved me into the dressing room.
"Why asking when you can just try it on right now. Off you go. We have our wedding to plan." She finally shoved me into the dressing room.
Wow!  Definitely the best friend in the world. I mean that in a sarcastic way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You know no matter how long you look at the door, she isn't coming back till you grow some balls," Daphne said as she entered the room.

Is there like a handbook for nosy cousins?

"I know, but I still can't get over the fact that she lied to me." I shook my head.
"I know how fragile your trust is, but it's Mia for goodness sake. The girl you are always yapping about, the only that got into your heart, the only person that makes you worried. I remember how you refused to eat when she was kidnapped, till you found her. You were also suffering from a food allergy but you didn't care. I believe this person you care about so much should deserve a say." She raised her brows quizzingly at me.

"I know but it was a voice recording of Mia. There is nothing much to it again, or is there?"
"I knew you were going to say that, that is why I took the pains and went back to my dark side of being a bully. I mean I don't do that again for goodness sake but I did it because now you have found the happiness I don't want you to lose it. I knew there was more to the story when you told me the recording came from Sheila. I mean I never liked that girl, no offense though since she's your friend. I even regret inviting her for the vacation cause she caused more harm than good," Daphne said while staring into space.
Suddenly it seemed like she realized where she was.

"Sorry... I'm digressing. So I threatened her and she gave me the full voice recording. This is it." Daphne said as she pressed the play button on the recorder.

When it finished playing, I turned to Daphne with my eyes wide open like saucers.

"I've been a fool."
"Good thing you admitted it yourself and I didn't say it even though I wanted to," Daphne smirked.
"I actually have an idea how to get Mia back but I'll be needing your help to execute the plan. Can you help?"
"With pleasure," Daphne said rubbing her hands together.

I just hope that Mia forgives me and takes me back.


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