Chapter nine- I think your Secretary hates me.

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"So Mia I think Daphne should help you look your best. Ok?"

I stopped walking as I turned to face him.

"Who is Daphne?
"She's a stylist I know who owes me a favor."

"Why in the world will I need a stylist Jason?" I said looking at him like he was insane.

"Well..... because you need to look really good Mia." He said rubbing his hand on his temples.

"I won't argue with you...I am pretty sure you already called her."
"Yes I already did."
"Then why are asking for my opinion? You can do whatever you please." I raised my hands up in a surrender style.

"Are you mad at me Mia?"
"Why don't you answer your damn question!" I hissed and banged the door of my room.

I know I was being childish, but I couldn't help it. He already called her without my consent.

I hate him for this.

Oh no, you don't, you are just mad at him. My inner mind told me.

I just lay on the bed, no sooner had I closed my eye to sleep when I heard a knock on the door.
Who can that be? I thought as I walked to the door to open it.

I opened the door, only to reveal a young woman. She's probably a few years older than me.

"Hey, I'm Daphne your stylist." She said stretching out her hands.

Well, I can't be rude and besides, it wasn't her fault I wasn't told. It was that Jackass Jason's fault, and to think I am going out with him this evening makes me red with anger.

"Hi I'm Mia and I'm pleased to meet you," I said, taking her outstretched hands.
"So can I come in please?"
"Sorry....forgive my manners," I said opening the door wider.

"Wow what a nice place you got."
"Ermm..... Thanks, I guess. I mean is Jason's place, not mine."
"Well that's ok, it's still nice by the way. The view here is better than Jason's." She said as she sat on the bed.

She's been to Jason's room?
Who is she?

I don't why, but I felt a little pang of jealousy. He's just my friend and I can't be jealous.
Just stupid hormones that's all.
I thought.

Curiosity got the better part of me.

"So who are you to him?"
"I was expecting your question, I saw the wheels turning in your head." She said smiling widely.
"Ohhh.... sorry. You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I said quickly, not wanting to hear she was one of Jason's one nightstand.

Why would Jason bring his one-night stand to be your stylist Mia?
My inner voice taunted me.

"I am his cousin sadly." She said while faking tears.

I was about to say something when the door to my room was opened.

"Hey Dolphin." Jason greeted his cousin playfully.

"Don't you ever call me that again Jason." She said glaring playfully.
"It fits your personality really well, how can I stop?" He said smiling smugly.

Daphne just reached out and tapped the back of his head.

Atta girl! I cheered her inwardly.

"Ouch, what's with you and Mia?
You never keep your hands to yourself." He said rubbing his head.
"At least we both can see you're a douchebag." She said smirking.

I wanted to smile at Jason, but I remembered I was angry at him.

"Mia, I am sorry," Jason said looking sad and regretful.
"I am still not talking to you. You can take your leave now." I said pointing to my door.

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