Chapter eight....... You smell like strawberries.🍓🍓

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"Wow your office is so large," I said, looking around Jason's office which was on the top floor by the way.

"Ermmm... Mia, I hate to rain on your parade, but I am the boss so it's expected." He said giving a 'duh' expression.

"Wow, you are so humble," I replied sarcastically.

"Whatever but it's the truth."
He smiled, as he went to settle in his seat.

Jason is the only one who responds well to my sarcasm, even Ashley says I'm overbearing. Dayne just simply ignores me.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked as I plopped on the table skimming over the papers scattered on his table.

"As much as I would love to go out right now with you, I still got some little things to finish up."

"Ohhh... I knew I shouldn't have come." I said feeling down and disappointed.

"Are you crazy?" Jason asked looking bewildered.

"Do I look crazy Jason?" I wittily fired back.

Ignoring my question he continued.

"Thank goodness you came, if you didn't I would have been whisked to another boring meeting and to be frank my butt hurts from those uncomfortable chairs." He said, faking a sad expression as he wiped non-existence tears.

"Stop being such a baby," I said smiling, as I stood up.

"But it hurts Mia." He said pouting.

How does he do this? He just looks so cute right now.

"Awwn......poor baby. Come to mama." I cooed and stretched out my arms.

He then came to me in long strides and wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder while I patted his head lightly

Jason is always easy to joke around. I don't have to the prim and proper lady everyone thinks I should be.
I'm pretty laid back when I'm with Jason.

"If your boyfriend sees me right now, he's going to tear me into shreds." He said chuckling.

"Dayne won't do that he'll understand you're my close friend," I said smiling.

"That's sad; how come I am not your best friend?" He said lifting his head a little bit from shoulder and pouting.

"That spot is already taken by Ashley. If she hears she has competition, she'll murder you and dump your body on the highway." I said laughing while thinking about Ashley's reaction.

"That's one hell of a best friend you got." He said smiling as he rested his head back on my shoulder.
"I know I am so lucky. At least I know someone got my back no matter what."

"You smell so good M&M." He said sniffing my neck.
"Is that the reason why you agreed to hug me?... So you can sniff me, you're just weird Jason."
I said glaring at him playfully.

"Really smell like strawberries." He said looking serious.

"I'm now starting to think you are derilious, things taste like strawberries not smell like," I explained feeling smart.

"I wouldn't know since I haven't tried you." He said smiling smugly.

I almost face palmed myself when I realized what my explanation sounded like.

"Jason your jokes are so corny," I said looking disappointed.
"But you still love me." He sang smiling.
"No, I love my boyfriend." I deadpanned.
"Bet he isn't as hot as me M&M." He said raising his brows like he was challenging me to say otherwise.

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