Chapter twelve- Doctor sexy pants.

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A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily,and ventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.
                 - William Penn.

I woke up feeling a little disoriented, and I decided to check the calendar.

Just great, I thought while groaning.

It just had to be today, Mother Nature hates me and I'm certain.

Red river days are the worst, my emotions get the better part of me.
I cry about every single thing, even Dayne avoids me during this time.
I get horrible pains in my lower abdomen and am cranky about everything.
I always have a fever and throw up almost every time.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I discover that I didn't pack any pad for this trip.

Just great; where am I going to get pad now? and this excruciating pain isn't helping. I can barely walk without doubling over.

I managed to get to Ma'am Pagnole's room in a space of fifteen minutes.
After waking the poor woman up and explaining my situation to her, while cringing with embarrassment.

Which normal female says she didn't pack a pad for a journey of 30 days?. It's super embarrassing to even think about.

Ma'am Pagnole was able to find just one piece left, she just gave it to me telling me to use this now.
She'll go to the store in the morning to get the pad for me.

I thanked her profusely, I can't even imagine telling this to Jason.
I'll just die of embarrassment.

I quickly go to my room, showered and changed my clothes.

I curled up on the bed attempting a fetus position to curb the pain, after much tossing and turning I finally drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to feel a wet towel on my forehead, I thought it was Ma'am Pagnole but was surprised to find out it was Jason.

"What are you doing here?" I said sitting up too quickly.
I felt the sharp pain and I doubled over, as Jason rubbed my waist soothingly.

Surprisingly I felt relieved but I can't tell Jason.
I don't want to increase his already inflicted ego.

"Well, I was coming back from the store, and decided to check on you." He said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Why will you come and check on me? and why are you even coming from the store?" I asked feeling tired already.

Don't blame me, blame the hormones.

"So I was going to have a glass of water in the kitchen when I heard your conversation with Ma'am Pagnole." He said rubbing his neck nervously.

"You heard everything?" I asked shrieking.

"Ermmm... Yeah?" He responded in a question form.

" Should I be embarrassed now 'cause this is awkward," I said chuckling nervously.

" Nope, you shouldn't, besides I get to play doctor sexy pants." He said grinning widely.

"If I didn't know better, I'll say you're deriving joy from my pain," I responded dryly.

"I'm not that mean." He said dramatically as he puts his hand on his chest.

"Jason your heart is on the left," I said rolling my eyes when I noticed he placed his hand on the right.

"I'm so hurt that it shifted to the right." He responded dramatically.

"You're such a drama queen," I said while shaking my head.
"King actually." He said puffing his chest a little.

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