Chapter fifteen- Hello stranger👋

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A/N... Please read💗💗💗

Sorry, I'm putting this here. So I have this weird activity. To all my superb readers I want to know if you got competitive spirit in ya.
Activity:  I want you all to blow up this comment box with a lot of comments about how you feel about every sentence made in this chapter. Whoever blows up this comment box with lots of comments gets the next chapter dedicated to him/her.
Let's spice up this book a little with activities. Starting from now I'll keep coming up with lots of crazy activities on the other chapters.😁

That's all for now🏃

Ashley left since a day ago but not before making my life fun, and also suck at the same time.

I mean how is that even possible?
Only with Ash 'cause everything is possible with her.


"I have been trying Dayne's number since I came to New York, but it's always been his voicemail I get. I even left a dozen messages but he hasn't even replied to one." I complained to Ash as we had one of our famous midnight talks. Ashley claims night is the best time for regret and therapy. Her words, not mine.

"Girl I told you that boy doesn't love you. I mean he was totally cool with you coming, he just whined a little and shut up. There is something fishy going on. Your girlfriend is going to spend thirty freaking days with a guy!. Not only a guy but a total hot sexy totally abs-licking billionaire.
As if those qualifications are not enough he has an attitude of an angel.
That shit head didn't even drive you to the airport. Are you fucking blind Mia?, Read the freaking handwriting on the wall.
'HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU', I have known Jason for just some days and he wouldn't even let you go that easily.
I can totally vouch for that and your boyfriend for five shitty years lets you go, doesn't drive you to the airport, doesn't even call you at all, and worse went totally MIA on you.
Shit! that really was your name and it rhymed.
Ok, I'm drifting, but he totally disappeared.
I'm going to end this and say this even if you don't like it. Your boyfriend is a douchebag." Ashley finished by scoffing loudly.

Wow! She was really angry. I still have to defend Dayne either way.

"I'm sure he got something going on that's why," I said nudging her playfully.

She just glared at me and scoffed again.

"Are you hearing yourself, Mia? Stop being pathetic and face the fact that Dayne is a tool."
"Ash you are going to far with this." I scowled at her.

No one calls my boyfriend a tool.

"Well if one is stupid someone got to be the smart one."

"And I'm the stupid one?" I asked gazing at her darkly.
"Yes, Mia you are at this moment. I don't want you to regret your future. The time to make that right decision is now."
"I've made my decision Ash. I love Dayne and it's him I want to get married to.
"If what's between you and Jason isn't love, then I'm not even sure I love Greg anymore."
"I don't love Jason in a romantic way, Ash. It's more of friendship love and all."
"I'm still alive Mia and I'm going to say I told you when you finally admit Jason is the one. There will definitely be obstacles but you will admit it." Ashley smiled thoughtfully.
"Yeah, I will when it rains in a desert."
"Nothing is impossible only if you believe."

🌼End of flashback🌼

Not only did Ash torment me with Dayne not being the right one but also tormented me at our outing.
Jason invited us to his private beach for some chill moment. After Ash forced me to wear the scandalous Victoria secret bathing suit she bought, she also betrayed me at the beach.

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