Jason's P.O.V

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I was to meet Mia today at Rochelle's diner.
I already heard a little about her from her grandfather. He kept telling me how much of an angel she was, and how she saved his company from bankruptcy.
The person in charge of finance was embezzling the money, in the end, it was Mia who found out and exposed him before he was imprisoned.

Mia's grandfather was like a father to me and I didn't want to tell him that I wasn't interested in marriage.
My parents ruined my thoughts on marriage, they always fought and argued about everything.
I was one of those little children who started believing that a single parent was better than two parents.

I mean what's the point of having two parents when all they do is fight and argue all the time, they can't stand each other's presence.
But what still remains a mystery was mom died when I was twelve. At the funeral, dad cried the most, and after mom's funeral dad resigned from the company telling grandpa that he needed to get his wits together.
Six months after, dad was checked into a mental hospital and he has been there ever since.
Part of me resented my parents for not getting a divorce instead of fighting every time.
Maybe if they divorced they both would have to be happy, before mom died of Cancer.
Dad won't be in a mental hospital. He's probably regretting the things he did to mom before she died.

That's why I believe marriage can never work because, in the end, you will just realize you both made a mistake marrying each other.

I felt my iPhone ringing in my pocket, I checked the caller ID and discovered it was Philip calling to say they were around already but couldn't find me.
After describing my attire to him, I cut the call to continue reading my magazine.

I was reading until I looked up to see a girl of about 5ft4inches with mesmerizing green eyes and blonde hair. I recognized that it was Mia as she kept staring at me seriously.
Damn! She was hot, but I still didn't want to marry her.
After she introduced herself, I didn't want to beat around the bush so I hit the nail on the mark
"I am Jason Steele and I don't want to marry you."

She looked very furious and her lip was thinned into a line.
"The feeling is a mutual dude." She said looking very livid.

Wow, she's a spitfire. Her innocent look could deceive people.

When we discussed we both discovered that we had been deceived by our grandfathers, and we decided to be friends to make her visit worth it.

Since Mia started living with me, I have found a reason to smile more.
She was the female version best friend I never had.
I have always been a serious person I rarely smiled or even laughed, but since Mia came she brought out that part in me.

She really amused me by her antics, I really think she should have been a lawyer rather than being into a business.
She always finds a way to defend herself every time an accusation is made.

When we played the games, I felt like blurting out her cute she was when she kept insisting that I cheated.

Even when she came to the company to see me that she was bored.
I was really happy to see her, I have never had that friendship when someone really cared about you.
Mason my best friend cares, but more in a bro kind of way.

I noticed Mia also gets embarrassed easily, because when she gave me her explanation about strawberries tasting like things.
I wriggled my brows and told her that I didn't know if she tasted like strawberries because I haven't tried yet. Her face flushed as she tapped my head.

Even as she was sleeping on my couch, I couldn't stop thinking of how she looked like an angel.
I didn't even want to wake her up when I was ready to go.

Mia has really grown on me just these few days. With her perfect smile that can melt any heart and her stubborn nature that draws people to her.

Mia was a real gem that I think I wouldn't able to let go when it's time.

When we went to the mall to shop for a gown for my client's birthday party, I kept on giving her animal comments to piss her off but that girl knew how to play dirty.
She brought lingeries to ask which one would fit, I stuttered feeling like the temperature in the store became hotter even though the place was blasting with cold air.
I walked away red-faced feeling embarrassed until I heard her loud laughter when I got to the reception.

As Mia descended the stairs after being dressed by my cousin for my client's birthday.
She looked really good and I couldn't stop staring at her.

I couldn't stop thinking that after these thirty days, my heart may be the one broken

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I couldn't stop thinking that after these thirty days, my heart may be the one broken.

So sorry for the late update, I had writer's block.
I didn't know what to write.
Sorry, this chapter is shitty, hopefully, the next one will be better.

Vote 👇and comment if you liked this chapter.

Also, this chapter is not edited, so there will be errors.
Just tell me politely if you spot one.

Thanks for coming this far, I will update soon.

Until then..... Adiós😘😘😘

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