CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE- Grand finale/Epilogue.

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A/N- Not an edited chapter.

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.
- H.E Luccock

Apparently, Ash has cooled down a bit with the shopping fiasco, so I had the whole evening to myself for a change. I was just having my time with cold yogurt and watching 'Captain Marvel' when my phone started ringing. Initially, I didn't want to pick it but when I saw it was Ash I decided to pick. Don't want that girl hot on my heels or charging here like an angry bull to my house.

"Hello, Ash... What's up?" I said immediately I picked the call.

Instead of replying, Ash started crying. I'm not talking of those under the breath sort of tears, rather those full-blown tears. Those tears that say
' I have been crying for a really long time.'

"Is it Greg?... What did he do this time? I'm going to cut his balls, and feed it to the dogs. Then I will beat him up, no rather..." Ash cut me off mid-way on my threat against Greg.

"I...I... It's not G...Greg Mia." Ash's words broke because of the hiccups she has because of her crying.
"Don't tell me you're pregnant. I thought you said You and Greg agreed to abstinence till marriage. What happened to the whole 'He'll be the first and last man I will sleep with.' Did you change your mind?" I asked again while trying to figure out what can possibly make Ash cry so bad.

"No, it's not that. Mia. I... It's Jason?" She cried harder when she mentioned Jason.
I was actually getting scared. What could possibly have happened to Jason that is making Ash cry so had?
"Yeah? What is wrong with Jason?" I asked nonchalantly, even though deep down I was really freaking out. I just hope nothing bad happened.
"I can't tell you, Mia. Check BB news, I don't have the courage to tell you." Ash said and hung up.

I hurriedly grabbed the remote control and changed to BB News. Apparently, Jason's picture was at the top corner. I was lost because Jason prides himself on privacy. I was surprised by how social media got the picture.
At that moment the journalist started talking so I raised the volume up a bit.

"Five hours ago billionaire Jason Steele came out to the public on current location and current look. One can say those years of laying low didn't quite prepare one for his present look. One could definitely say that the single ladies will definitely be after him seeing as he became the most eligible bachelor right after the video, except he declared his undying love for another lady and shattering millions of ladies' hearts about ever having a chance with him. He withheld her name for what he called 'Privacy reasons' Apparently he said he has realized his mistake and was coming to her to rectify it." I was really smiling like a Cheshire cat but the next part got me frozen.

"Apparently thirty minutes ago, news reaching us is that Jason was involved in a ghastly accident. His current condition is unknown, but he was rushed to the king's memorial hospital. We just hope Jason survives this accident. Bringing you this news is Lily Allen. After the break, it will be sports news." The journalist said, then a song started playing.

For two minutes I was frozen on the spot and didn't know what to do. Then it suddenly hit me what just happened, so I grabbed my car key off the table and hurried to the garage. Thank God that I didn't see my grandpa on my way out, I don't think I had the strength for any explanation. It will just drive me to tears, and right now I needed to be strong, not weak.
I drove as quickly as I could although within the legal speed limit. I didn't want any cops on my tail, cause that will cause me to pull over and waste a shitload of my time.

Immediately I got to the hospital, I handed my keys to the valet to park.
It took me quite some time to get into the hospital because of the number of reporters that were outside the hospital.
When I finally got in, I rushed to the person at the desk in the reception area.
"Please was anyone with the name Jason Steele admitted into this hospital?" I asked, just trying to follow protocol. There was urgency in my voice. It was like my outside was trying not to fret but my insides were not in accordance.

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