Chapter Eighteen- In you there's some sappy me.💖💖

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Dedicated to Safiello for her hilarious comments.

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Enjoy the chapter😉

Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
H.Jackson Brown, Jr.

"What are you doing here Jason?" I asked him immediately he entered my room.
I was at my dresser applying my facial cream to sleep.

After our grandfather's embarrassing moment in the kitchen, I decided to remain in my room until night.
I didn't want to encounter my grandpa, 'cause he was going to embarrass me more.
I only went to the dining table to eat when I was sure they were asleep.

"I don't like sleeping alone." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, as he plopped himself on his bed.
"Didn't you always sleep alone when I wasn't here?" I asked raising my brows suspiciously.
"Nope Daphne always did. She left for her apartment complex when you were coming."
"Why can't you sleep alone. I mean you're a grown hot billionaire. Are you still scared of bogey man?" I asked teasing him.
"Of course not. That's a stupid childish thing."
"So what is it?"
"I just can't ok." He said masking all emotions.
What are you hiding Jason? Whatever it is I will definitely find out.

"Yeah, whatever... Scoot over." I said totally dropping the topic. Don't want Jason to go all jungle on me.
"Somebody thinks I'm hot." Jason sing sang referring to my previous statement as he shifted to the left side of the bed.
I always love to sleep on the right side of a bed and Jason on the left. We are like bed partners made in heaven because both Dayne and Ashley love the right side of a bed. I always have to argue with both of them whenever we share a bed. Also, Dayne hates cuddling but Jason loves it as much as I do so it's a plus too.
I also hate sleeping alone too, and I was happy when Jason came into the room but I will never admit it.

"I think somebody should get off his high horse," I said while laying on the bed.
"Whatever... You already admitted I am hot, no need to be shy about it." He said smiling widely.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Mr. Steele," I said scoffing.
"You bet mi cara."
"That's what I have been meaning to ask you. When Ma'am Pagnole toured me around the house I saw various books in different languages in the library. How many languages can you speak?"
"I can speak French, Spanish, Italian, German and some other uncommon languages," Jason said cockily.
"You can speak the language of love?, That's it, Jason we are officially married," I said jokingly.
"I feel so hurt that you want to marry me because I can speak Italian, not 'cause you have seen how wonderful I am." He said, faking hurt as he put his hand on his chest, and pouted a little bit.

And ladies and gentlemen that's when my heart stopped beating. How is it possible to look so cute when pouting? I can never look like that when pouting. Life is so unfair.

"You should be grateful I decided to overlook your pot-belly and considered your marriage proposal," I said, nudging him playfully.
"If you don't marry me, you're definitely going to be an old lady with fifty cats. No one can be as perfect as me." Jason huffed, as he said that while smirking.
"Yeah... That's why I have a fiance if I will die with fifty cats." I said sarcastically.
"Oh, lady... You have cheated on your husband and made him your side chick. So I pronounce this judgment on you, 'off with your head." Jason said, imitating an Elizabethan era accent.

I started cracking up because he really imitated it really well.

"You're sure you are born in this century?" I asked while wiping the tears that came out when I was laughing.
"Of course!" He said in mock horror.
"Are you sure you're not one of those vampires in wattpad novels you read that look twenty-six but are actually four hundred years." I teased Jason as he scowled.
"I thought we agreed never to speak of it again."
"I don't see where we signed an agreement."
"You're so infuriating sometimes." He said groaning.
"But you love me anyway." I sing sang.
"Sadly yes, but that doesn't mean I can't tickle you for your pranks." He said while his eyes twinkled with mischief as he advanced towards me.
"Stop! Our grandfathers are barely twenty feet away." I said, putting my hands on his chest to stop him.
"That's your saving grace right now. I'll still get my revenge, Miss Montana."

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