Chapter Seventeen- Omg!!... Our Ship is Sailing.💕💕

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          Dedicated to JayRose97 for her tags.

💞Dang, it! It's the A/N😂💞


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As soon go Kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.
      - William Shakespeare.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked Jason when I woke up in the middle of the night and discovered he still wasn't sleeping.

Yeah, he is on my bed. It's not even a big deal, we always sleep together. Oops... that sounded wrong. Get your minds out of the gutter people. We always sleep on the same bed except for these few days he has been in his office and when Ash was around. I knew something is wrong with Jason or something is bothering him. I just don't know what it is.

"Nothing M&M, I just don't feel sleepy." He said shrugging his shoulders and pulling the covers more.
"Stop hogging the blanket you hogger," I said dragging the blanket and holding it tightly.
"Ok, no problem," Jason said releasing the blanket.

Guess what happened.

I fell down from the bed and landed on my butt.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain.
Jason just started laughing really loud as his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"I'm so sorry Mia, my hand slipped." He said obviously not sorry at all.

The good thing was that I made him laugh 'cause he hasn't done that a lot since Ash left. Except for that time, I came back from the diner and he played a prank on me.

"A quick question Jay-Jay," I added the nickname to spite him.
I stood up and sat back on the bed facing Jason.
"Spill Mia... and please stop calling me Jay-Jay 'cause trust me it's really awful," Jason said cringing at the name.
"Yeah right... Since when do I listen to you? Let me see." I said putting my chin pretending to think.
"No time Jay-Jay. I can't find a single time I do things you ask me to do." I said smirking.
"Man you're so stubborn."
"I was going to argue with that but I'm changing my mind. I'll just ask you the question so we can go back to bed. You've been acting strange these past few days what is the problem, Jason?" I asked as my eyebrows were creased with worry.
"Really Mia I'm fine... No need to be worried." He said smoothening the worry lines on my brows as his eyes twitched.

He's lying. His eyes just twitched.

"Jason you're lying to me." I deadpanned.
"What?... Of course not." He said denying vehemently.
"I know you, Jason, even if it's just for less than two weeks. Heck, I even know more about you more than I know about my fiancé. I know you love whipped cream on your pancakes rather than syrup... It's weird but who cares. I know you don't like sleeping alone which explains why you're in my room instead of yours, I know you rather hang out than go for business meetings... You're one weird billionaire. I know so much about you so I know when you are lying. In case you don't know your eyes twitch whenever you tell a lie." I concluded, folding my hands and giving him a defiant stare.

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