Chapter fourteen- Are you Australian? 'Cause you meet all of my Koalafications.

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A good friend is a connection to life- a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
- Lois Wyse.

Ever since we got home Jason has being apologizing, and trust me it's getting so annoying.

"I'm sorry Mia." He apologized for the hundredth time since we got home.

It's really the hundredth time no kidding.

"Jason for the hundredth time it's really ok," I said really expatriated as we got ready for bed.

Apparently, Jason thinks we should sleep in the same room because according to him I was exposed to cold when I was waiting for him and I can get a fever at night.
So it's best if he's with me if that happens.
Not that I'm complaining, it's better than sleeping alone.

After two minutes of settling down to sleep, Jason started to apologize again.

"Mia I'm so....." I interrupted him before he could finish.

"If you say you're sorry again, I'll put my feet down your throat you moron," I said not hiding my anger.
"You wouldn't dare Miss Montana," Jason said smirking.

"You wanna try Mr. Steele?" I said giving him a face saying I-am-definitely-not-joking.

"Nah I'm good," Jason said recognizing the stare I was giving him, and putting his hands up signifying surrender.

"You're learning fast Jay-Jay, "I said ruffling his hair.

"Ok one......Mia never call me that again. Two.. never ruffle my hair.
I'm not your dog." He said smoothing his hair back.

Come on dude it's night, no one will ever see it. Besides, you are going to bed now.... it'll probably be worse tomorrow.
I said thinking on the inside.

"Why do you get to call me M&M, and I don't get to call you any nickname?" I asked finishing with a pout.

" That's because M&M sounds creative, while Jay-Jay sounds dumb." He explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That's so not true, you're just jealous I came up with it first," I said sticking out my tongue childishly.

"I can't be jealous of such immature nickname, and you're sticking out your tongue?...... seriously Mia did the cold freeze your brains?" Jason said looking at me like I need professional help.

"That's so mean of you to say, I'm not talking to you again," I said turning my back at him.

Jason didn't say anything for the next two minutes, so I turned to him looking surprised.

"You're not going to apologize?" I asked him looking at him weirdly.

"Nope." He said popping the p"

"What a Jerk," I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" Jason asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
"I said what a jerk," I repeated my statement and raised my brows daring him to counter that.

"You shouldn't have said that Mia. Now you'll get your punishment." Jason said smiling evilly.
"What punishment would you give me Mr. Judge?....... Ten years imprisonment for wounding your ego. " I said sarcastically.

Before I realized what was happening, Jason was already on top of me tickling me.

"Say I'm the best person you have ever known." He said while tickling me.
"Never," I screamed bubbling with laughter.
"Say it." He said tickling me harder.

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