Chapter four- OMG... Are you bald?

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We were currently landing at the airport in New York which I was grateful for.

The flight was so annoying. First I had a pervert sitting at my left who was constantly staring at my breasts throughout the flight.

Then an old woman at my right who kept telling me about her family.
Trying not to be rude, I just listened.
To be honest, I could not care less. I got more important things to think about.
Like how I will get out of this 30 days thing unscarred.

I am currently at the airport arrival looking for Jason. Grandpa didn't show me his picture so I had to search for whoever was holding a plaque with my name. Imagine my surprise when I saw a rather old looking man holding a plaque with my name on it.
I hurriedly approached him.

"Holy nuggets, sweet mother of cheese crackers. Don't tell me you are Jason." I said looking at him and gaping like a fish.

I didn't even wait for him to explain, as he tried saying something before I cut him off.

"You are way too old for me, why the hell did you deceive my grandpa?
Here he was thinking all good things about you, not knowing his favorite so- called Jason is all old and wrinkled.
Worst part he didn't even know you have gotten this old, and you lead him on."

Then I really took a good look at him, then my eyes widened like saucers when I realized something.

"Oh my gosh are you bald?" I asked in horror.

"You are not just old, wrinkled. You just had to go and be bald, arghh this is just the height.
I can't take this anymore. " I said pacing around angrily and looking murderous. I knew I was acting like an immature teenager but I couldn't help it.

He just started laughing, like really loud and it was drawing attention.
He had the nerve to laugh while I was angry, then he must be a fool.

"You really are annoying and now you are embarrassing." I said feeling utterly pissed off.
If my patience can be measured I would say it remains just one pinch close for me to blow all over.

"You really are going to be fun. The house is going to be fun with you, it was so boring."

"News flash old Jason: I am not anyone's mistress.
You really are shameless, you probably have a wife and kids and here you are wanting a mistress!" I was really angry as I was already breathing heavily.

He wanted to start speaking but I didn't even give him a chance to to talk, give liars a chance to speak and they will weave more lies to convince you.

I was definitely not going to be deceived by him.

"So your married right?" I asked him raising my brows up daring him to lie .
He looked so terrified,well now I believe Ashley when she said I had a mean stare when I am angry.

"Yes I am but....." He said, but I cut him short.

"So you are, How can you be so mean and inhuman?
You probably have beautiful kids, waiting for their dad to get back home and be with them.
But here he is shamelessly looking for a mistress to entice him." I said, as I waved my hands angrily demonstrating.

He let me leave Dayne and come to look like a fool.

"It's not what you think." He said laughing a little.

This moron is laughing at this crucial moment; does he think I am a joke?... I would have slapped him except that goes against what grandpa taught me. A decent lady never raises her hand to slap a man.

"You think this is a joke?"

"No.... but you are really over reacting." He said smiling a little.

"Over reacting?... Your just despicable. You deceived my grandpa and now you say am over reacting.
For your information I have a fiance I was going to marry and I love him. He is just perfect for me, and I came here because I wanted to make my grandpa happy. Only to find out you lied, now your saying am over reacting? How fucking shameless are you?"

"I am sorry for whatever led you to......" He started but him short again.
"Don't tell me you are sorry, tell that to your wife and kids. Also tell that to my grandpa." I deadpanned.
"I really am not Jason." he continued what he was saying, before I interrupted him.

Does he think am stupid?
He's been caught and he still had the guts to lie. He's totally unbelievable.

"Why in the world are you lying?
What do you stand to gain?" I said narrowing my eyes in slits.

"You have been doing all the talking which if you ask me was totally hilarious by the way, but you have to give me a chance to explain."

"Well if I wasted a plane ticket to come here, I guess you owe me an explanation."

"Well speak up before I change my mind." I grunted impatiently.
"I am not Jason."

"You have said that before and I don't believe you."
"You said you will let me explain."
"Sorry forgive my manners." I responded sarcastically.
"I am Philip Jason's driver, he sent me to pick you since he had a meeting and to drop you at the diner where he will meet you before you both go back home. He's my sister's son, so maybe we look alike a tad bit. Probably explains why you're confused."

"So you really aren't Jason?" I said looking at him skeptically.
"Yes ma'am." He answered back with conviction.
"Then why didn't you tell me, you just let me embarrass myself."
"You didn't exactly give me the chance to explain." He said humorously.

"All the insult I hurled at you, geez I'm so sorry. You must think bad of me."

I really felt so embarrassed, I shouldn't have let my anger get the better part of me. I just acted way immature and out of place cause I wanted to find a fault in Jason.

"No offense taken, besides it was hilarious."

"It wouldn't be hilarious if you were the one making a fool out of yourself." I muttered under my breath, but he heard it and chuckled.
"It was nice meeting you Miss ..." He drawled waiting for me to tell him my name
"Mia Montana and you are...."
"Philip Angelo at your service ma'am."
"I am still sorry for the mix up Philip."
"No problem ma'am."
"Please call me Mia."
"Yes ma'am.... Sorry I could get used to that." He said as he took my bags to the car.

Why do I always embarrass myself?
Now I could never look at him and not remember this incident. He said he looked a tad bit like Jason, but the silly thing is that I have never even seen a photograph of Jason!

Chapter four😀😀😋
# drum roll
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I am so grateful.😊😊

Chapter five in a bit.

Feel free to tell me about any mistake, I am not perfect .

Until then....... Adios amigo😘😘

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