Chapter five ...The feeling is mutual dude

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"This is where Sir Jason said to drop you off, don't get why his car isn't here yet?" Philip said as he scanned the area.

"Maybe he has forgotten how to use the clock," I said sarcastically

I don't get why I was bitchy, maybe I am just making sure my attitude puts Jason off.

Philip just smiled, I think he knows what I am trying to do.

"Let me call him, Sir Jason is never late. It's possible Mike the other driver dropped him off."

"There's another driver?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, actually there's seven of us. Only me live in the mansion, I am the closest to sir Jason so he uses my services more than others." Philip stated proudly with a wide grin.

Well, he sure is happy with his job.

"So you call the house a mansion?" I really was intrigued and wanted to know more.

Besides, I didn't know why Jason will say to meet him here when we could just talk at his mansion.

"It's really a mansion ma'am Mia, everything is so huge. I mean Sir Jason is a billionaire so it's a bit expected. Even though he doesn't like to flaunt it by an extravagant lifestyle. He's really humble." He said with his eyes shining in admiration.

Wow didn't know he was that rich. but I don't care. All I care about is getting this thirty days over with and getting the hell out of this place.

"So Philip apart from Jason and you, how many of you stay in the main sorry mansion?"

"Well, we got two cooks Ma'am Pagnole and Alice. The house cleaner stays once in a while. That's all."

I just nodded my head at the information.

"Let me put a call to Sir Jason to ask where he is."

"No problem Philip, just be quick because I'm really tired," I said as I yawned proving my point.

I just picked a song on my iPod and was listening to it on my earphone when Philip tapped me signaling he was done.

"So what did he say?"
"You see that man wearing a black hoodie and a face cap?" he said, pointing to a man in the diner reading a magazine.

I followed his description and saw who he was talking about.

"Yes, I do."
"That is Sir Jason, he's waiting for you."
"Why is he dressed like that, isn't it too hot for a hoodie?" I asked, not bothering to hide my curiosity.

"Well he is avoiding paparazzi, those people never give up." He said he was disgusted.

"So where you going to be?" I asked as I got out of the car.

"Sir Jason told me to wait for him, what he wants to say wouldn't take a long time."
"He should have told me at his house," I muttered.
"There may be a reason." He said thoughtfully.

Does Philip have a goblin ear or something?. How does he hear everything I mutter under my breath.
That's why it's called muttering, it isn't supposed to be heard.

I went into the diner, I was walking towards Jason when he raised his head up from the magazine.

Wow...Damn, he was hot. I now admit I was stupid to think Jason was Philip.

Stop it, Mia, I quickly scolded myself.
You don't classify other guys as hot when you got a boyfriend.

I'll try my best to be polite, don't know if Jason is a tattletale. I wouldn't want him telling my grandpa I was rude.

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