Ashley+ Jason= Team Evil Twins😈.....Part one.

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True friends stab you in the front.
- Oscar Wilde.

"Surprise," Ashley said waving her hands in the air.

I just glared at her and folded my arms, giving her you- better- explain- fast- young- lady look.

"You're not excited to see me?" She said still smiling widely.

"Of course I am happy.....I guess, but it still doesn't explain why you're here last time I checked." I said increasing my glare at her.

"I missed seeing you and thought it wouldn't hurt to check on you, and also ensure you're still free from the fashion police." She added smiling mischievously.

I loved Ashley when she said the first two things, but it changed the moment she said the last one.
Right now I'm starting to think of pushing her down a bridge.

I should have watched how to get away with murder more.

" Are you thinking of how to push me down a bridge?" Ashley asked interrupting my thoughts.

Damn it! She knows me really well.

"Nope," I said denying it while shaking my head.

"We both know you are, with that sickly sweet smile on your face." She said whilst pointing to my face.

I quickly changed my smile to a frown.

"I so wasn't." I denied vehemently again.

"It was so obvious M but whatever, you can't get rid of me easily." She said smiling mischievously.

I was about to respond to her comment when I heard Jason's voice calling out.

"Mia who's at the door? and what's taking you so long?" He asked sounding concerned.
" Wow, he is so hot," Ashley said while giving a very girly annoying squeal.

" Ash you can't say a guy is hot based on his voice, it should be based on his appearance. Besides you have a fiance." I said explaining like I was talking to a five-year-old.

Ashley just gave a very unladylike snort.

"You says you can't?, Just because you're not playing the game doesn't mean you can't watch the sexy ass players.
Baby girl that's what eyes are for, and if there is a rule saying I can't comment 'To hell with those rules'. She said as she flipped her hair.

I was about to comment on her statement, but this time I was interrupted by Jason's presence.

"Hey." He said waving and smiling widely at Ashley.

"Hi." Ashley waved back while smiling like she was constipated.
She was meeting with a big-time billionaire and New York most eligible bachelor.
I totally expected Ash to fangirl over him, but she stood like she was frozen.

"Who's she, Mia?" Jason asked turning to look at me.

"Ashley meet Jason, Jason meet Ashley." I made a hand gesture of pointing to the two of them.

"Nice to meet you, Ash, Mia has told me so much about you," Jason said stretching out his hand for a handshake.

Then the Ashley I knew came back, and there came the high-piercing girl squeal I'm familiar with.

I think I need to see an otolaryngologist, I may be deaf at this rate.

"Oh my God really?, I can't believe I'm meeting the famous Jason Steele. It's like a dream come true, and damn he's hot." She said as she gushed over Jason like an over-priced gold.

Like Jason needed any boost to add to his narcissistic personality, she just had to tell him he's hot.

"Thanks so much for the compliment." He said smiling widely, as he threw an arrogant smirk when he looked at me.

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