Chapter nineteen- BETRAYAL!! ... It's the worst feeling.

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Hola amigos👋

Boom!! She's back.
Readers: Can't believe she ditched us like that. Off with her head.
Writer: *hides cowardly* I'm super sorry. Does an update do the trick?
Readers: Get on with it already.

Ok so for my absence I'm giving a worthy update. Hopefully, it will meet your standards. Thanks for everyone's input on the last author's note.
LnDscripts ScarlettBlackDaisy JayRose97 ZonderZorg You guys rock.

Ask me questions about anything. It can be questions about the characters, certain events in the book, (basically anything). I'll answer it the best way I can.

Btw I want to know what country my readers come from just for fun. It's not compulsory, it's optional.😃

The update💟💟

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
- H. Jackson Brown. Jr

💓Jason's P.O.V💓

"Ashley Mia already found out," I said whispering on the phone in my bedroom.
"How the f*ck did she find out? Did you tell her?" She said, panic evident in her words.
"Of course not, do you think I'm stupid?" I gasped in horror.

I would never hurt Mia like that.

"So how did she find out?" She asked sighing softly.
"When you told me that Mia's birthday is in two days, I decided to take her for a pre-birthday celebration. So I bought tickets for a 5SOS concert. We went there and somehow Mia got invited on stage by one of the band leaders. Mia paled immediately she faced the crowd. At first, I thought it was 'cause of stage fright, but she immediately got down and started demanding we go back home. I tried reasoning with her but she utterly refused. I decided we leave, but before we left I told Michael the head of the technical department to send the coverage. That's when I saw that scumbag Dayne having some tongue action with a girl." I said as I curled my hands into a fist.

"Do you think I should have told Mia when I found out instead of giving her subtle hints?... Mia is in so much pain now." Ashley asked sounding like she wanted to cry.

"I don't think so. Before you told me that Dayne was cheating on Mia, I had my doubts already. I investigated him 'cause I was looking out for Mia and found that he has been associated with many scandals but he paid off the reporters. It was through the private detective I hired that got this information. When you told me I became certain about the detective findings.
I still don't think we should have told Mia because she was so much in love that she wouldn't have believed." I said while shaking my head.

Poor Mia found out in the worst way. That Dayne must pay for what he did.

"Mia knew I never liked Dayne, and he knew that too. He knew I saw through his bad guy turned good facade. I....." She was talking when she was interrupted by someone shouting.
"Is everything alright Ashley?" I asked because it sounded like a guy's voice and the voice portrayed anger.
"Yes. I'll call you back after I deal with this person." She said while hanging up immediately.

I hope she isn't in danger?

💟Ashley's P.O.V💓

"I'll call you after I deal with this person," I said immediately hanging up on Jason.
"What is it Greg?... Have you come to yell at me also at home?" I said to the intruder you happened to be my fiancé.

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