Chapter ten- Can I have this dance?

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"Heyn why aren't we parking in the main parking lot?"
I asked Jason as Philip entered an underground parking lot and only a few cars were here.

"It's because of you and a tad bit cause of me."
"How?" I asked really curious.
"Well the press hasn't seen me for quite some time and if I'm seen with you on my arm, then everyone is going to assume something. That's exactly what I don't want." He groaned and put his hand on his head.

I decided to pull Jason's leg a little bit by pranking him.

I scooted away from him and turned to the window while I faked a frown.

"So you're ashamed of me as your friend?" I said looking sorrowful as tears glistened my eyes.
I just had to be careful that none spills and ruin my makeup.

"What? No Mia, how could you think of such?"
"Now you are insinuating that I don't use my brain properly," I said trying to play the pity card.

Jason groaned in frustration as he ran his hand through his hair.

Pulling pranks on Jason is really fun.

"Don't be silly Mia."
"You're now saying I'm silly, meaning I'm immature."
"I never said you're immature," Jason said as he came closer, and held my hands.
"I'm proud of you being my friend, it's the best thing that ever happened to me." He said smiling as his eyes held the sparkle.

Why does Jason have to be sweet at all times?

"Well..... Thanks." I said not knowing the best words to say.
"You're welcome Mia, I just don't want your privacy to be taken away by associating with me in the public's eye." He said turning away like he was ashamed.

It's now I needed to give Jason one of my famous inspirational speech.

"Well Jason if associating with you will take away my privacy, then let it do anyway," I said nodding my head assuring him.

"Trust me, Mia, I have been there and it's not pretty." He explained probably trying to convince me that he isn't a good friend.
" I really don't care if it isn't pretty."
"Mia it's not as easy as it sounds."
"I never liked easy," I responded smirking.

"What sort of a person are you?"
Jason said looking at me like I was an alien.

"A good friend that's what I am."
I said giving him a side hug.
"Thanks, Mia, it means a lot to me." He said returning the hug.

"Who knew Mr billionaire has a moment of weakness," I said teasing him.
"Argh we will never speak of this again, it's so embarrassing." He said groaning as Philip opened the door for us.

"Besides me saying you are ashamed of me was just a prank, but you just had to be sweet therefore ruining my plan. "
"It was just a joke?" He asked looking shocked.
"Yup." I responded popping the 'p'.
"When will I stop falling for your pranks Mia?" He groaned in frustration.

Jason has been doing lots of groaning this night. I must really be frustrating him.

"When you know the 'mia ways' " I said smugly.
"I'm sure I will learn them soon." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Why is Jason's mind always in the gutter?

I tapped the back of his head to show him that his dirty thoughts aren't appreciated.

"I know you can't keep your hands off me." He said smiling cockily.
"Get off your high horse Jason."

I can now see how Jason feels when I frustrate him.

"Too bad it's too high." He said putting my hand in the crook of his hand.
"I can cripple the legs for you if you want," I replied wittily.
Jason just shook his head and laughed.

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