Chapter thirteen- I have waited my whole life for a friend like you.

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Friends are like the sailors who guide your rickety boat safely across the dangerous waters of life.
- Sare and Cate.

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.
- Henry David Thoreau.

For the past three days, Jason has been taking care of me.
He didn't even go to the office because of me, which is why am grateful that my red river days are over.
I can finally eat whatever I want to eat and Jason can go to work too.
I hate that he hasn't been going to work because of me, even though he never admits I am the reason.
He just doesn't want me to feel guilty.

Jason has even been sleeping in my room because of my occasional night fever.
He has being a good friend but I can't tell him, his ego will become as high as Mount Everest.

Which is why I woke up this morning with my head on his chest, our legs intertwined, and his right hand holding my waist securely.
I don't know why, but it felt right. I need to really sort out my feelings before I came here I was so sure about love but now I don't even know anymore.

My thoughts were cut short by Jason.

"Good morning Mia." He greeted in a sexy husky voice.

He's not just hot, his morning voice just had to be hot.

Suddenly a thought crept into my head.

"Good morning Jason," I said removing his hand from my waist, as he stared at me confused.

Don't worry you will soon understand. I thought chuckling under my breath.
I trust Jason to say something stupid soon.

"Someone last night was a patient, and guess who had to play the sexy doctor?" He said smirking.
I knew he was going to say something stupid.

Time to execute my revenge Mr cocky.

"It sure as hell wasn't you," I said smiling sweetly, as I used my legs to kick him out of the bed.

He landed on the floor with a thud.
Ouch! That's going to hurt.

" Ouch!" He said rubbing his bum.
"After all, I've done for you, this is how I get paid?... You're a meanie, Mia." He said getting up and smiling widely showing that he wasn't even mad at me.

" You were being an ass, I had to remind you where that gets you."
I said giving him my signature sweet smile.
"I think I know how you really are."
"Meaning?"I asked raising my brows.
"You're that type of person that has the look of an angel, but crafty as a devil." He said scrunching his face, as he looked at me like he was analyzing me.

"Took you long to understand that, you just bring out the worst in me," I said with a smirk.
"Don't forget I also bring out the best in you." He said smirking back.
"Whatever floats your boat Jay-Jay," I said wriggling my brows.

"Oh my God Mia do not call me that, what are you? Five?" He said looking at me like he was annoyed.
"Jay-Jay don't get mad at me," I said trying to rile him up the more.
"I have learned never to fall for your traps M&M, trust me I am smarter now." He said as he stretched his arms.
Ok, this is the first time I am really seeing him well this morning and he is shirtless.
His body is well defined that it looked photoshopped.
His biceps were just huge and his six packs were well defined.

Dayne will totally kill to have a body like that.

I looked away as I blushed a little.

"Is someone blushing? She can't handle this hot specimen of a human being." Jason asked impersonating a high pitched girly voice.

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