Chapter twenty-two- I think I just met an angel!

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A/N- Chapter twenty-two is of two P.O.V's or rather two parts and will be 1000+ words.
Updates are now on Friday.😃
Not edited😉

If fear alters behavior, you're already defeated.
-Brenda Hammond.

Ashley's P.O.V.

"This is 911, and what's your emergency?" The speaker on the other end asked.
"Ermm... My boyfriend... No, my fiancé... Actually my husband." I rambled in fear as tears dripped down my eyes.

What if I end up losing Greg? I can't lose him. He's all I have.

"Miss I will like you to calm down. We can't help you if you're aren't sure of what to say." The speaker said, probably used to panicky types like me.
"My fiancé fainted and his pulse is very low." I finally said, after taking huge breathers.

"Is he hypertensive Ma'am?" The speaker questioned again.
"No, he isn't. He has chronic asthma." I touched Greg's palm and discovered it was getting colder.

Greg, please don't die.

"Can you please state your location?"
"Block 33 Oakwood villa, Greenville crescent," I stated while trying to warm Greg's palm with mine.
"The ambulance will be there in ten minutes. In the meantime, I will like it if you can wrap the with lots of blankets to keep warm. This will thereby prevent further complications. Also, I will like you to be calm, everything will be alright."
"Thanks so much. I'll do that right away." I went upstairs to get the blankets as the dispatcher still stayed on the line.

After wrapping Greg up, it wasn't long I heard the siren of the ambulance. I whispered a short prayer to God.

God if you keep Greg alive for me. I promise that never again will I hold a grudge against anyone.

The ambulance attendants rushed into my house with a stretcher and tried heaving Greg on it. They were asking me a series of questions.

"Where was he when it happened?" The head attendant asked me.
"He was outside my house," I said, bowing my head in shame.
"When did you find him? and also who are you to him?"
"I found him by few minutes passed 3:00 am, and he was already heaving when I saw him. I am his fiancée."
"Will you like to go to the hospital with us,? as I understand it's really traumatic to see your fiancé in such a situation." The head attendant said sympathetically.

If only he knew I caused this because of my stupidity and stubbornness.

"Yes, I will like to go with you. It will make me feel better if I am closer." I answered, entering the ambulance.

I noticed I was still on my flimsy nightgown when we were almost at the hospital.

Greg's life was more important than a flimsy nightgown.

Immediately we got to the hospital, Greg was rushed to the Intensive care unit. I was directed to stay in the waiting room.

I was on full panic mode, 'cause doctors and nurses rushed in and out of the room and none of them had a bright face on. After two hours of waiting, I was able to stop a doctor.

"How is he doing doctor?" I asked dreading the answer he will give.
"Who are you to him please?" He queried suspiciously.
"I am his fiancée," I said almost yelling.
"Well..." The doctor trailed.
"Well, what?" I said, urging him to go on.
"Honestly Ma'am, your fiancé isn't doing too well. His condition is very critical and what I will actually advise you is to pray to God for a miracle. Right now it's only him that can save him." The doctor walked away after saying this.

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