Chapter 1 "Zara Thomas"

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My mother always told me that my teenage years are the time of my life, so make it count.

Which is exactly what I'm doing.

"Zara! Get your ass out of bed and eat some breakfast!" I heard the very woman yell from the kitchen.

I groan and pull the pillow over my head to block the sound out, but it's no use.

"I mean it!" She yelled again, which I took as my que to do what I'm told.

My mother is not someone to mess with.

I slowly by surely get out of my bed and find something to wear; A black crop top, a leather jacket, and ripped skinny jeans to go with my Converse.

"Finally, I was beginning to think you died." My mother chuckled as I jogged down the stairs.

She placed a plate of eggs with bacon on the table and I satin front of it.

"Thanks. Where's dad?" I ask, taking a forkful of eggs.

"I'm right here." My father said as he rushed into the kitchen, fixing his tie. "Good morning, Belle." He smiled and kissed my mother's cheek before turning to me. "Good morning, princess."

"Dad, I'm sixteen. You don't need to call me that anymore."

"You will always be my little princess. Whether you're sixteen or sixty." I roll my eyes and take another bite of my eggs.

"Do you need a ride to school?" My mother asks, taking her own seat at the table.

"Nope, I'd rather not ride up to school with my mother." She grins and rolls her eyes.

"Alright, alright. You're too cool to be seen with your mom. Just make sure you get to school on time, I'd like to not hear you were late again."

"Yeah, yeah." I take the last bite of my food before dropping the fork and standing up. "Alright, I have to go." I kissed my parent's cheek before dashing out of the front door.


"Natty!" I yell, running down the hall.

Natalia lifted her head and her eyes met mine. They lit up and a smile grew on her face. I embrace her in a hug and she does the same.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that." Natalia said, raising an eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips.

"We've been best friends since diapers, I can call you whatever I want." I chuckle and she shakes her head, though, the smile remained on her face.

"Fine, if you can call me Natty, I can call you ZarZar." I scrunched up my face.

"Way to pull a gun out at a sword fight." She chuckles. "Fine, I'll call you Nat."

"And I'll call you Zar." She reaches her hand out and I shake it.

Just as we do, the bell rings and my eyes widen.

"Oh no. My mother is going to kill us." Natalia nodded her head vigorously, the same expression on her face as me.

We begin to bolt down the hall, towards our first period.

"Late again." My mother said as we reached class, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sorry, mo-I mean, Mrs. Thomas." I smile innocently at her and she shakes her head.

"Detention, for both of you." My jaw drops, as does Natalia's.

"But mom-"

"Take a seat so I can start class." She said sternly, raising an eyebrow.

I sigh, knowing there is no point in arguing. I take my usual seat in the back corner, and Natalia sits next to me.


"I can't fucking believe my mother gave us detention." I groan, ready to slam my against my locker.

"At least she didn't suspend us." Natalia shrugs and I glare at her. "Jeez, what's got your panties in a twist."

"Should I repeat myself?" I roll my eyes and Natalia narrows her eyes at me. "I'm sorry, my mother just drives me crazy sometimes."

"Can you blame her? She doesn't want you to end up like her."

"What? Pregnant at sixteen?" I scoff, chuckling as Natalia shugs.

"Well, yeah. She wants a better life for you than she had."

"Yeah, but I'm not as naive as they were at my age. I'm responsible and I know how to take care of myself. No matter what she says, though, I do what I want." I smirk and stand up straighter.

"I know you do. Are we going to Harvey's party tonight?" Natalia asked, fixing her backpack on her shoulder.

"When do we not?" I chuckle, slamming my locker shut and Natalia shakes her head but smiles.

The hallway was empty, since it was in the middle of a period. We decided we wanted to skip since it was maths, and maths are not my thing.

"Are you drinking? Because if you are, we need to find a place to stay tonight." I nod.

"People crash at parties all the time. I'll just tell my mom I'm sleeping over at your house." She smirks, as do I

"Tonight is going to rule." Natalia says, and we high five.



Oh my god, are you as excited as I am? :D

Get ready for a lot of plot twists, romance, sarcasm, and old characters reuniting. ;)

Chapter 1 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3


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