Chapter 2 "Finn Rider"

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"How are you guys late for detention? " My mother shakes her head as we enter her classroom.

"I don't know. It's a gift, I guess." I shrug and Natalia stifles a laugh.

"Take a seat before I call your mother, Natalia." Natalia's eyes grow wide and she shakes her head.

"Sorry, ma'am." She squeaks before scurrying to a seat.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, walking to the seat behind her.

"Zara, sit over there." My mother said, pointing to a seat across the room from Natalia.

I groan and follow her orders. I pull out my sketchbook along with a pencil. Might as well have something to do.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom opens and walks in the one and only, Finn Rider.

Finn Rider is one of the most popular guys in school. Not for a very good reason, though, besides from his good looks. He's known to be the 'bad boy'.

Rumor has it, he's in a gang run by his family. He's also a serious player, never having an actual girlfriend. Just bed buddies.

"Finn, late as always." My mother crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, Mrs Thomas, how are you doing this lovely afternoon?" Finn asks, flashing her his signature, charming smile.

"Nice try, now take a seat." I silently chuckle behind my hands as Finn rolls his eyes. "I have to go make a copy of something, don't move." She warns us sternly before exiting the room.

Finn makes his way around the room slowly, his eyes scanning around. That is, until they landed on me. I notice them widen slightly before a smirk tugged on his lips.

He slumped down in the seat in front of me, turning his body to face me. I pay full attention to my sketch, ignoring his not-so-subtle stare.

"Well, hello." He said, making me look up. I narrow my eyes at his charming smirk.

His black hair was swooped over to the right on his head. His blue eyes stared at me the way every guy I've ever met does.

"Hello." I say bluntly, crossing my arms over my sketch book.

"I don't think we've officially met, I'm Finn Rider." He held out his hand to me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Zara Thomas." I saw his eyes widen slightly and his hand dropped to his side.


"Yes, Thomas. As in the daughter of Mrs Thomas, aka, my mother." I smiled innocently, returning back to my drawing.

"Oh, wow. Never would've thought." He blew air between his lips and sighed. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"No, my mother would never allow it." It wasn't a total lie.

"Well, that's too bad. I was hoping to see you there" He winked and I rolled my eyes.

I heard the familiar clicking of my mother's heels from down the hallway.

"I'm sure you were." I give him my signature smirk and he raised his eyebrows.

"Alright, I'm back." My mother announced, placing a stack of papers on her desk. "Finn, turn around and mind your own business."

"Yes, Mrs Thomas." He sighed before turning around.

I chuckle and shake my head.



"Mom, I'm home! Zara is here too." Natalia yelled as we entered the living room, closing the door behind her.

Natalia's mother comes rushing in, a wide smile on her face.

"Welcome home, baby!" She cried as she wrapped Natalia in a hug. "Zara, how nice to see you again." She smiled before hugging me as well.

"Did I just hear Zara?" A familiar voice asked from a far distance. I immediately felt a smile tug on my lips.

Megan rushed into the living room, arms wide open.

"Aunt Megan!" I cheered, wrapping my arms around her. She engulfed me in a hug as someone cleared their throat behind us.

"Um, she's my actual aunt." Natalia scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, well she's my mom and my dad's best friend." I stuck my tongue out at her and Natalia glared at me, but the smile remained on her face.

"No need to fight over me." Megan chuckled as I pulled away from her embrace.

"Where's Delilah?" I ask, looking around the living room.

"With her father. She's staying over there for the weekend." Megan answered with a sigh.

Delilah is Megan's six year old daughter, whose father is her highschool sweetheart, Logan. They ended up splitting up after Delilah's second birthday.

"Well, Zara is sleeping over here tonight. So, I'll you'll excuse us, we have homework to do." Natalia cut in, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.


"Should I wear this dress or this dress?" Natalia asks, holding two different dressed up to her body. She was watching herself in her full body mirror.

"Um, the black one. I want to wear the dark red one." I answer, sitting on her bed.

"Of course, have it." She chuckled before tossing the dress to me. I catch it flawlessly, I might add.

"Is Michael going to be at the party?" I ask curiously as I begin to change.

Michael is Natalia's ex boyfriend who cheated on her with the school's slut, Scarlett.

I keyed his car when I heard about that.

"God, I hope not. I might not be able to control myself." She scoffed and I chuckled.

"Do you need me to beat him up for you? You know I would do that for you-"

"I think I can handle myself, Zar. But thanks, I know you would." She purses her lips and I nod. "I'm just excited to get hammered tonight."

"Alright!" I cheer and I finally pulled the dress on.

It was a sleeveless red dress that reached my mid-thigh. I grabbed a pair of black heels and did a smokey eyes to match with my red lipstick.

Okay, maybe I overdid it a little, but drunk guys seem to like it.

"Ready?" Natalia asks and I nod.

She was wearing a black, off the shoulder, skin tight dress that reached her mid-thigh with red heels. She had a similar smokey eye look with some lip gloss.

"Hell yeah." We both smile before she opens her window and crawls out, myself following behind her.



Chapter 2 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3


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