Chapter 39 "He Finally Snapped"

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Hey hey, just wanted to say hi to my beautiful readers. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, honestly. You make my world spin. Just remember, someone out there needs you to keep living, and that's me. <3


Finn's POV

The entire bus ride, all I could do was stare at Zara, who's eyes never left the window. Her earbuds were plugged in as she laid her head back against the seat, her eyes lost in thought.

Even with her eyes all red and puffy, she still was the most beautiful person I have ever met. Even when she was angry with me, even without makeup, even when she made me feel like crap, she was still the most beautiful person I have ever met.

I never in my life thought I would ever find a girl I felt close enough to to have feelings for. But even within the first moment I met her, she was so different from everyone else I've ever been with.

She's fearless, she's brave, she's strong, she loves to live everyday like it was her last. She's wild and free spirited, she's an adventure all on her own. She's the only person I ever actually wanted to spend time with. She's my first thought when I wake up, and my last thought before I fall asleep.

Every time we touch I can feel electricity. When we kiss, my stomach turns and it feels like butterflies. When she laughs my heart flutters. When she smiles I get all warm inside. When we talk I could listen for hours and never get tired of hearing her voice.

She's the love of my life, and I screwed it all up because of a drunken mistake.

"Hey, man." Harvey's voice bring me back from my thoughts. He pats my shoulder as I turn my head to look at him. "We're here."

I look out the window and see the school's parking lot with only a couple cars sitting inside it. It was sun down already, since we left the lodge at noon and it's about a five hour drive back.

Harvey game me sympathetic smile as he grabbed his stuff from under his seat.

"I'll catch you tomorrow, my mom is outside waiting for me." I nod as he pats my shoulder again before walking into the aisle of the bus.

I lean forward and grab my own duffel bag before standing up. Zara was standing in front of her seat, waiting for an opening in the line in the aisle. Her soft brown eyes made contact with mine, but she quickly looked away before I could speak.

Once I stepped off the bus, I looked around the front of the school. There were parents and younger siblings standing around, waiting for their kids to get off the bus. Soon, I found my sister and uncle within the crowd.

"Hey, thanks for picking me up." I said as I approached them.

Lucy was too busy typing on her phone to look up, but I noticed her hand do a slight wave before going back to typing. My uncle smiled at me.

"Hey, welcome back. How was the trip?" Well, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Dealing with one of his episodes is not what I needed right now.

"Uh, fine. Can we go home now?" All I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed.

"Sure, let's go." He smiles and pats my shoulder.

His smile quickly faded as his eyes landed on something behind me. I turned around to see what he was looking at and saw Zara hugging Mr Thomas.

After he pulled away, his hand slipped around Mrs Thomas's waist and pulled her closer to him, kissing her on the cheek. Her bump had gotten bigger since the last time I saw her.

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