Chapter 14 "Old Enemies"

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James's POV  

"Oh, hello Bella and James." She said, making me snap my head in the direction of the ever-so-sweet voice.

She looked exactly the same as the last time I saw her. Although her brown, wavy hair was cut to her shoulders and her accent has dulled down a little.

"Michelle?" I choke on the word, my heading starting to spin.

"That's me." She smiled happily, walking around us to stand behind the other girl in the chair. "What happened, love?" Michelle asked in a sweet voice to the girl.

"Wait, she's your daughter?" Belle asked, her face filled with just as much confusion as mine.

"How do you three know each other?" Zara interrupted, making all of us look at her. "Am I missing something?" She looked between Belle and I expectantly.

Belle swallowed nervously and switched her weight to her other leg.

"We went to highschool together." Is all Belle told her.

"Oh, so this is the baby?" Michelle pitched in, looking at Zara curiously. "She looks like you, Jay." She smiled at me.

"Jay?" Zara snorted. I glare at Zara, making her shut up and turn around in her seat slowly.

I clear my throat awkwardly before speaking. "I didn't know you had a daughter, Michelle."

"Well how could you? We stopped talking after you broke up with me in front of the entire school." Michelle replied, somewhat bitterly. Zara snaps her head around to look at me.

"Woah. You and Miss Slut's mom dated in high school?"

Belle's eyes widened. "Zara! Watch your language."

Zara rolled her eyes in response and Belle huffed.

"It was a long time ago, and I had a good reason to." I tell Michelle, making her press her lips together with guilt.

"Wait, how is your daughter is the same age as Zara...?" Belle started but Michelle held up her hand to stop her.

"Right. Well, right after James broke up with me, I convinced my mother to let me go to a private school where I met Scarlett's father."

"Wow, I guess you regret calling me slut all those times, don't you?" Belle retaliates, making everyone's mouth drop.

"Woah, go mom!" Zara cheers and I glare at her again.

"Alright, let's get back to business." Mr Fisher interrupts our discussion.

To be honest, I forgot he was here.

"Right, we're sorry Mr Fisher. Please, continue." I tell him and he nods a thank you.

"I called you three here because there was a little incident in the cafeteria today. Apparently, Scarlett spilled her soda on Zara and she started to call her some very explicit names."

"No, she did not spill her soda on me. She purposefully dumped it over my head."

"Is this true, Miss Hampton?" Mr Fisher asked.

"Of course not! I would never do something as horrible as that. It was an accident, I swear." Scarlett said, her eyes wide as she pleaded her innocence.

"Stop lying you bitch." Zara snapped.

"Zara, stop cursing." I scold.

"If my daughter said she didn't do anything on purpose, then she didn't do it on purpose." Michelle cut in.

"You know, I can't help but notice how similar you and Scarlett are. Pouring drinks over people must run in the family." Belle smiles innocently.

Michelle narrows her eyes and Belle smirks.

I nudge Belle lightly in the arm and give her a look. She sighs silently before turning back to look at Zara.

"Zara, did you call Scarlett names?" Belle asks in a calm voice.

"Well, yes but-"

"And Scarlett," Belle started, cutting off Zara. "did you pour soda on Zara?"

"Yes but-"

"That settles it, you both get detention this Saturday. Are we done now?" She said, looking at Mr Fisher with an expectant look.

His eyes are slightly wide, blinking a couple times before answering.

"Um, well yes. We're done now. I'll see you two in detention. You all may leave."

"Mom!" Zara whines

Belle gives him fake smile before exiting the room.

Bella's POV

"Hey, you wait just a minute!" I heard Michelle call from behind me, but I ignore her, heading straight towards my classroom. "I know you can hear me!"

"What, Michelle?" I turn around slowly, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

James, Zara, and Scarlett were standing a foot behind her, watching us from afar.

"I don't appreciate you determining my daughter's punishment. Let the principal do his job." She scolded me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We both know Scarlett purposefully poured the soda, so just accept it. Both Zara and Scarlett are in the wrong and need to be punished. I threw out a suggestion and he agreed. Now can I please go back to work?"

"No, I'm not done with you. You don't know anything about Scarlett." She started and I rolled my eyes. "What? You think Zara's so perfect? So innocent and pure?" She snorted, chucking at herself. "You really need to talk to your kid more."

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter like that." I took a couple threatening steps towards her. "You don't know anything about her."

"I know a lot more than you think." She said in a low voice, inches away from my face. "This is a small town, Bella. People talk."

"Well, looks like we have to go back to work." James cut in. "Let's go, Belle."

I narrow my eyes at Michelle before stepping back, covering my face in a fake smile. "Have a nice day, Michelle. I'll see you in class, Scarlett." I yell over her shoulder and Scarlett pressed her lips together, giving me a small smile.

I give Michelle one last wave before entering my classroom.



Honestly guys, I'm having so much fun with these characters. Every time I get a new idea for the story I get all giddy inside.

I wouldn't be so happy if it wasn't for all the love and support I get from you, so thank you so much for being so kind to me and my writing.

I know I am not the best writer (in fact, I'm far from it) but you guys are giving me the strength to get better and learn from my mistakes.

I feel like I've come so far since the first chapter of "The Best Mistake", so again, thank you and I love you all.

Chapter 14 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3

Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)


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