Chapter 31 "We Shouldn't Have"

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I slouch in the chair, looking around the room awkwardly. My hands are handcuffed together as are Finn's as he sits in the chair next to me.

We haven't spoken a word to each other since...uhm...the billboard scene.

We were now sitting in the police station with only the people rushing by us and the sounds of telephones ringing to distract me from how much trouble I'm going to be in when my mother finds out.

"Zara-" Finn starts, turning his head to me.

"They could at least give us a towel, I'm freezing." I interrupt him, shivering as another blast of air conditioning hits my wet clothes.

Finn sits up in his chair, turning his entire body towards me.

"We need to talk." He stated and I raise an eyebrow.

"You think now is a good time to talk?"

"There's nothing better to do."

"I don't want to talk." I tell him, turning to watch someone grab a plastic Dixie cup and fill it with water from the water cooler.

I heard him sigh and sit back in his chair.

"Bad news," A voice said, making both Finn and I turn our attention to the police officer who arrested us. "You're off the hook."

He was a heavier man, probably mid thirties with a thick southern accent.

"Awe, no need to miss me, Chuck, I'll be back soon." Finn said, smirking up at the officer who didn't seem so pleased with Finn's smugness.

"I'll put you in prison someday, Rider." The officer, Chuck, said with his eyes narrowed towards Finn.

"Great, can you unlock my handcuffs now? I need to get home." I told him, sitting straighter in my chair.

"Hold your horses there, little lady. You're still a minor, so I can't let you go until your parents come pick you up."

"Perfect." I mutter to myself, clenching my jaw as I sit back in my seat.

Great, another reason for my parents to hate me.

"Zara, why won't you talk to me?" Finn asked once the officer went back in his office.

"Because I don't want to talk to you, Finn." I tell him, picking at the tips of my fingers.


"Just, stop!" I blurt out, hoping that this stupid lump in my throat would finally go away.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for what I thought was hours, but the clock on the far wall said only ten minutes had passed.

"Zara!" I heard a familiar voice say.

Oh no.

I look up to see my mother and father rushing towards us, a worried expression on her face while my father was clearly angry.

"I was so worried about you." My mother cooed, wrapping my in her arms embrace.

She quickly released me and thumped the back of my head.

"Ow." I whined.

"What the hell were you thinking, spray painting a billboard? I'm so angry with you I could burst." My mother started rambling, placing her hands on her hips.

"And you-" My father started, pointing his finger to Finn. "Give me one reason to not kick your ass."

"What did I do?" Finn exclaimed.

"You didn't talk her out of doing what she did." My father stated plainly, making Finn slouch back in his chair.

"Zara, you're grounded for two months." My mother said.

"Two months?!" My jaw dropped.

"You're so lucky the charges were dropped, Zara, or you could be in juvie."

I sit back in my chair and roll my eyes as the officer from before comes out and starts talking to my parents before opening the handcuffs.

"Finn." My father started as the officer walked away. "If I ever see your face in our house again, you'll regret it." He told him, his voice cold with seriousness.

I stood up and turned to leave, ignoring the calls from Finn behind me.


I throw my hood over my head and speed walk to my locker, swiftly dodging everyone in my way. Unlocking it, I open my locker and grab my math book and history book.

"Zara!" I heard the voice call from behind me, my heart skipping a beat in my chest.

I quickly shut my locker and speed walk in the opposite direction of the voice. My plan is quickly foiled as a hand grabs my shoulder and gently pulls me back.

"Zara, stop running away from me." Finn said as I turned around, his voice soft with pain.

"Then stop chasing me." I tell him flatly, looking everywhere but his eyes.

I heard him take a deep breath in. "We need to talk."

"About what?" I play dumb, looking down at my hands.

I finally got around to cutting my nails and painting them, since my phone and laptop was taken as soon as I got home last night. I also got my father's infamous lecture about following the rules... yata yata yata.

He rolled his eyes. "About what happened on the billboard."

"Nothing happened on the billboard." I snapped, looking up just in time to see hurt flash through his amazing blue eyes. "I-I was hurt and confused, and what happened never should have happened."


"I think it's best if we keep our distance from each other." I tell him, even though every word out of my mouth made my heart feel heavier.


The ringing of the bell echoed in the halls, cutting off Finn's rebuttal.

"Later." I told him before turning around and walking to math.



Chapter 31 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed! <3

*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)


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