Chapter 16 "Dangerous Encounters"

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Being wide awake at midnight on a school night is not the most ideal situation, but it's my situation.

I sigh, finally giving up with trying to sleep and stand up from my bed that seemed more uncomfortable than usual. I grab a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and put them on and slip on my flip flops.

Plugging in my headphone, I turn on a Panic! At The Disco song and begin to tiptoe down the stairs.

The faint sound of my father's snoring could be heard over my music and I took that as my cue to dash out the front door.

It was lightly raining and I now regret not putting on a sweatshirt, but I start walking anyways with my phone tucked under my shirt safely.

She's getting a job at the firm come Monday

The Mrs with stay with the cheating attorney

Moonlighting aside, she really needs his money

The music played on and on, switching song after song. I didn't know where I was going, I just needed to walk.

I zoned out, letting the lyrics fog my mind completely.

I didn't realize I ended up in the wrong part of town until I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

"You think you're tough?" A man said in all seriousness, his voice deep and raspy.

I quickly ducked behind the wall of a building, leaning to peer over the corner before taking out my earbuds to listen better.

Three men were walking slowly towards another guy, who was backing up into a corner just as slowly.

"Look, I don't want to fight you. I just need the money you owe me." The guy backing up said in a very familiar voice.

I felt my heart stop when I realized who that voice belonged to.

One of the men laughed, continuing to walk closer and closer to Finn, until he hit the wall behind him.

"Your uncle is one hell of a coward sending his little nephew to fetch his money for him." The man chuckled deeply.

"Look, just hand over the money and I'll be out of your hair." Finn responded calmly, holding his hands up in surrender.

"And what if I dont?" The man asked with humor lacing his voice.

"Then we're going to have a problem." He replied sternly after a long pause, looking the man straight in the eyes with no trace of fear.

"Oh yeah?" The man took another step closer to Finn. "And what are you going to do?" He asked in a whisper that sent chills down my spine.

Finn didn't say anything, he just stared at the man in front of him.

He seemed to be much older than Finn, being at least thirty years old. I could tell he went to the gym because his muscles were buff and would would flex everytime he moved his arms.

The man chuckled, a loud chuckle that made me jump at the disturbance of silence.

"That's what I thought, you won't do anything. You don't have the balls."

"Neither do you." Said Finn, before he lifted his knee right in the man's crotch.

"Fuck!" The man yelled, tumbling over on the ground. "You little shit."

Finn suddenly reached in his back pocket, pulling out the familiar piece of metal in his hands.

He held the gun up and pointed it at the two other men surrounding him, causing them to back up slowly with their hands up.

"Don't fucking mess with me!" Finn yelled in anger, making me jump.

I turn around from the scene behind me and lean against the wall, sliding down until I sat on my butt.

My heart is beating so fast I think it might explode. My hands shaking and my body trembling, I couldn't move.

"Hey kid, just put the gun down." I heard the man say slowly with tension, easily spotting the fear in his voice.

"Not until you give me the goddamn money, you prick!"

"Alright alright, just...just don't shoot." The man finally said.

I heard shuffling of clothes, and then the sound of paper being unfolded.

"Is that all of it?" Finn asked sternly.

"Yes, that's all of it. C-Can I go now?" The man stuttered, the sound of his feet shuffling to get up echoing through the alley.

"Get the hell out of here before I put a bullet through your head." Finn threatened.

I heard the man shuffle to his feet and run to the other end of the alley, along with a couple of other sets of feet behind him.

Heavy breathing was the only sound left to echo in the night, and I couldn't tell if it was mine or Finn's.

I couldn't move, I couldn't think. All I wanted to do was run, but it was as if I was glued to the ground.

Finn's loud, frustrated scream into the night made me jolt back, not helping my racing heart at all.

I assume he threw something against the wall, due to the loud thumb soon following.

"Goddamnit!" He yelled.

I peer over the corner slowly, my heart beating so loud I prayed he couldn't hear it.

He ran a hand over his face, pushing his hair back in frustration while muttering a few curse words under his breath.

He lifted his head and our eyes connected and I literally felt my heart drop to my ass.

"Who's there?" He yells, leaning over to grab the gun off the ground before cocking it.

I suck in a breath, now feeling the sudden burst of strength to move.

I stand up as fast as I could, running in the direction of my house like I was going to die.

Well, I probably was.

I don't stop running until I reach my house, even after the sounds of his steps disappeared.

I close and lock the front door, running up to my room and locking that door too, before changing into my pajamas.

I slowly crawl into bed, the only sound that could be heard was my breathing.

I didn't really get much sleep that night.



Half a million reads on "The Best Mistake", what?!

Chapter 16 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3

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