Chapter 41 "Meagan's Flashback"

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Finn's POV

I turn the keys in the ignition and rip them out. Pushing open the driver's side door, I shove my keys into my back pocket and run towards the front door.

"Zara!" I yell, banging on the door with both of my fists.

My heart was beating in my ears, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Lucy ran up beside me, watching between me and the door, waiting for it to reveal the answer to the only question running through our heads.

Did he get her yet?

After what felt like an eternity, the door finally swung open to reveal Mr Thomas in his pajamas, a not happy expression on his face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's six o'clock in the morning!" He yelled, but I ignored him.

I ran past him, running through the living room until I reached the stairs. Almost tripping over my own shoe multiple times, I finally make it to Zara's bedroom. My nightmare suddenly becomes reality when I see Zara's bed, empty, unmade, and the lamp switched on.

"Shit!" I instinctively yell as Lucy appears next to me, looking around the room.

She pushes past me and opens the closet door, looking around.

"I don't appreciate you barging into my house-" I heard Mr Thomas yell as he walked past me into Zara's room.

He stopped talking, though, when he saw she wasn't in here.

"Where the hell is my daughter?" He asked and I notice him turn his head towards me.

"I-I don't know." I tell him, staring at her bed as if it would tell me where she is.

"We think our uncle took her." Lucy said, retrieving her head from the closet.

She was sitting on her knees, her head turned towards us.

He blinked. "W-What? Why would he want her? Who are you?" He rambled.

"That's my little sister, Lucy, and we have no idea." I tell him.

"Hello hello!" A voice yells from downstairs, soon following the sound of the front door closing.

Mr Thomas quickly turns around and trots down the stairs. I turn to look at Lucy and I shrug my shoulders when I see her furrowed eyebrows.

Standing by the front door was a woman. She looked like she was in her late 20's with short brown hair that swung with the motion of her head. She was wearing a grey pantsuit and was holding a Dunkin' Donuts box in her hands.

Standing next to her was little girl whose facial features looked similar to the woman's, only if she was twenty years younger. The little girl looked five or six with dirty blonde hair that went all the way down to her mid waist.

"Delilah and I brought donuts." She cheered, walking over to the kitchen, the little girl following close behind.

She set the box on the kitchen table and turned towards us with a big smile.

"Who's this?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm Finn, and this is my little sister, Lucy. I'm a friend of Zara's." I tell her, gesturing towards my sister, who was standing at the end of the staircase.

"Oh, do you know Natalia then, too? She's my sister's daughter."

I can kind of see the resemblance.

"Megan, this is not a good time." Mr Thomas tells her, walking over the the kitchen counter.

"What? Why?" She asks, her smile soon falling.

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