Chapter 25 "The Truth"

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Zara's POV

I scurry past everyone in the hallway, my heart beating with adrenaline. I quickly open my locker and shove my books inside before grabbing the ones I need for next period. I close and lock my locker and turn around, but quickly gasp, backing myself up to the locker.

Parker flashed me his flirty smirk as I placed my hand over my chest, my breathing rapid.

"Hey babe." He said, placing his right hand against the set of lockers, only inches away from my head, ultimately trapping me. "Missed me last night?"

I stayed silent, my vision becoming slightly blurring from my racing heart, my head going dizzy.

"So I was thinking after school and grab a bite, then back to my house for some fun. Like old times." He smiled, using his free hand to mess with the collar of my leather jacket.

My stomach turned at the thought of being alone with him again.

"Hey, Parker." I felt my heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice.

Oh thank God.

Parker's smirk falls slightly and I saw his eyes roll in annoyance. He slowly turned around to face Finn, removing his hand from the locker.

"Hey, Finn." He replied.

There was obviously tension between them, more tension than yesterday.

"What do you think you're doing?" Finn asked with a fake smile. I noticed his hands were turned into fists but they stayed safely by his sides.

Parker smirked and slung his arm around my shoulders. I caught a whiff of his cologne and I felt my heart speed up as memories tried to come back up.

He smells like he did two years ago.

"Oh, I'm just making plans for after school with my girlfriend ." He told Finn, pulling my closer to his side. "Isn't that right, Zara?"

I remain silent and avoid making eye contact with Finn, though, I could feel his eyes looking through me.

"She isn't your girlfriend, Parker." Finn said, an obvious diction to his name.

I felt the vibration on Parker's body as he laughed.

"We'll see you around, Finn." Parker said before pulling me along down the hallway.

I attempt to turn around to get a glance of Finn, but Parker yanks me forward.


I click ignore on Finn's face once again, putting my phone down my my bed before going back to typing on my laptop.

A knock on my door made my heart jump out of my chest, but the voice behind it calmed me down.

"Zara baby," My mother said through the door. "Dinner's ready, come down."

"Oh um, I-I'm not really hungry. I-I have a lot of homework to do." I lied, biting my lip.

I heard a quiet sigh. "Alright, I'll put a plate in the microwave if you get hungry."

I wait until I heard the footsteps down the stair get quiet before I get up and lock the door.

I'm on my way to my bed when I hear rustling from outside, causing me to freeze in my tracks. I turn my head towards my window and see Finn crouching on the window sill so I run over and open it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I yell-whisper as he climbs through, his feet making a thump sound on the hardwood floor.

"You weren't answering my calls, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He told me, turning around to close the window.

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