Chapter 3 "Just Another One Night Stand"

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The house was already crowded with people from all over the town.

When Harvey throws a party, he doesn't just invite the school.

The music boomed through the house, creating a pounding feeling in my chest, but I didn't mind. It was hard to get through the sea of sweaty teenagers, but once we did, I felt like I could finally breathe.

I entered the kitchen, Natalia tailing behind me, where we found the assorted amounts of different kinds of alcohol on the island.

"We're going to get fucked up, tonight." Natalia yelled in my ear in excitement as I poured us each a shot. I nodded, clicking our cups together before chugging it.

"I'm going to go look for a hot guy on the dance floor. If you need me, call me." Natalia yelled before heading off into the living room of the house.

I poured myself a cup of something, I didn't really know what it was, but it was strong.


I wasn't drunk, I'm not that much of a lightweight. It's only been half an hour and I have a strong buzz going on. I was dancing by myself in the middle of the dance floor, well living room, to my favorite song.

I started to feel a bit dizzy and decided to step outside for a while.

"I thought you weren't coming." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Finn standing there, a smug smirk on his face.

"I didn't really think it was any of your business whether I came or not." I tell him as he sits down on the concrete next to me, pulling off his shoes so he can dip his feet in the pool as well.

"Mrs Thomas finally agree to let you come?" I look up at him with a smirk.

"Please, she thinks I'm sleeping over at a friends." Finn chuckles.

"So you're a rebel. I should've guessed."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow at him, finally looking him in the eyes.

They lit up slightly when they connected with mine and I noticed a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well, you sure dress the part." I scoff, shaking my head slightly, looking down at the water.

"Did you come here with someone?" Finn asks, looking around the backyard.

"Yeah, my best friend. She left me for a guy."

"Well, it's never fun to party alone." Finn scoots closer to me, our shoulder touching.

"Speak for yourself." I chuckle before standing up from the pool. "I'm going to go find get another drink while you stay here and sulk that I just rejected you." I smile cheekily at him before waving and walking back inside.


The not-so-subtle pounding in my head was enough to make me jolt awake.

The house was eerily quiet as I looked around the room I was in. It was a slightly familiar bedroom, the walls painted white. I was laying in the bed, the covers slightly messed up. The guy next to me was shirtless and sleeping soundly.

I remembered getting another drink and running into a hot guy. I think his name was, Brian? Maybe it was Tim.

I groan internally, standing up from the bed and collecting my clothing before getting dressed. I tiptoed down the stairs, holding my heels in my hand. I was about to turn the knob of the front door when I suddenly stopped.

"Well, look what I found." I roll my eyes before turning around to find Finn with a smug smile on his face, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you still doing here?" I mock his stance, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What are you still doing here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's none of your business."

"I can say the same to you, Ms I Just Got Laid." I scoff. "Why did you reject me, but go with someone else?"

"Because I didn't want to have sex with you." I smirk. "Awe, does your ego hurt?"

He narrowed his eyes at me as footsteps grew closer. Harvey appeared beside Finn, looking between us.

"Is this the broad you hooked up with last night?" I couldn't hold back the laugh brewing in my throat.

"Are you kidding? Me with him?" I said in between laughs, bending over and clutching my stomach.

Finn shifted his weight uncomfortably and Harvey's eyed widened slightly.

"You could've just said no." Finn muttered, but I only laughed harder.

"There you are, I was looking for you." I look up to see Natalia walking in from the living room to my left.

Her hair was ruffled and messed up, her makeup smeared around her face. Her dress was wrinkled and tilted slightly on her body.

"Oh, hello, Harvey." Natalia awkwardly smiled while Harvey full on smirked. I looked between the two with curiosity. "Well, Zar, we better go. My mom will be coming in my room to wake us up soon."

She quickly squirrels out the front door from behind me.

"Zara." Finn calls as I was about to exit. I turn to look at him, a smirk on his face. "See you at school." He winks.

I roll my eyes before exiting the house.

"So, how was the party?" Natalia asks as I get in the passenger seat of her car.

"Did you have sex with Harvey?" Natalia's eyes widen and I noticed a slight blush on she cheeks.

"W-What? Why would you ask that?" She nervously laughs, turning on the engine of the car.

"That's not a no." I raise an eyebrow and smirk, crossing my arms.

"Fine, you got me." She sighed and her posture slumped.

"How was it?" I ask eagerly.

"Uh, I'm not telling you." She blushes and I pout.


"Nope, not getting it out of me this time." She begins to pull into the street and zoom down the road.



Chapter 3 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3


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