Chapter 47 "A Confession"

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I was in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long. I remember bright blue and red flashing lights and voices yelling, I remember being put on another surface that has wheels, and I remember Finn's words.

"Oh my God, Cupcake. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't decide if he was sorry about Scarlett, or if he was sorry for not finding me sooner.

Either way, his words meant so much more to me than he probably anticipated.

When I woke up and didn't immediately fall back asleep, I was laying in a hospital bed in a hospital room. The machines attached to me beeped with a steady pattern and I could see the sunrise peeking through the window.

I noticed my leg was in a white cast and my wrists were wrapped in a soft cloth.

To my surprise and ultimate pleasure, Finn was sleeping on one of the chairs next to my bed.

I forgot how cute he looks when he sleeps.

I grab a cup of unopened Jello sitting on toss it as far as I can with the wires on my arms.

It hits his forehead, causing him to sit up quickly, looking around in distress.

He he notices me smiling at him, he smiles as well.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" He stands up from the seat and crouches down next to me.

My smile falters a little and I shrug. "My knee hurts like a bitch."

His smile falls into a frown and I immediately miss it.

"I'm sorry." There it is again, the fluttering of my heart.

"For what?" I notice my voice crack as I look into his eyes.

"For everything, Zara. I'm sorry for Scarlett, and I'm sorry for not stopping you at the billboard, and I'm sorry for all those girls I was with the last two months, and I'm sorry for not being able to save you from my own blood. But most importantly, I'm sorry for not telling you that; I'm falling for you too."

A smile immediately broke out onto my face at his words.

He's falling for me, too.

"I promise you, Cupcake, that I will never ever hurt you ever again. I care about you way too much. I almost lost you once, I'm not going to risk it again."

And for once in a really really believed him.

I slowly lift my hands to his soft cheeks, his warmth radiating off of him, and I pull him towards me. Our lips connect and my entire body started to tingle. He placed his hands in my hair and I slid mine to the back of his head as our lips moved I synch.

"Oh, looks like you're up." A voice spoke, making Finn pull away abruptly.

My parents stood in the doorway, holding styrofoam cups in their hands. My father glared at Finn, who was blushing the same shade I must be right now, while my mother smiled softly.

"Hi." I greeted them and my father closed the door.

"How are you feeling, princess?" He asked, walking over to sit on the chair on the other side of the bed.

"My knee hurts and my wrists burn, but that's about it." They frown, looking over me with hurt in their eyes.

I know seeing me so hurt must be killing them right now.

It was silent in the room for a few seconds. There was one question running through my head since I woke up, and I was itching to know the answer.

"Is-" I freeze as everyone looks up at me, suddenly cowering at the thought of actually getting the answer.

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