Chapter 18 "Revenge"

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Ah, art class, my favorite subject with my not so favorite teacher.

Even though I was the best artist in the class, not to toot my own horn or anything, he still seemed to hate me with every bone in his body. Everyday he would pick apart my paintings and insult them on every little thing.

And no, it wasn't helpful criticism.

"Okay, shut up and find a seat." Mr Henderson yelled, making everyone jump off the counters or desks they were sitting on to find their seat.

I know in every cheesy story where a character is an artist, there is this very laid back and chill art teacher. Yeah, well, those teachers like to express their feelings through art.

Mr Henderson? He used to be an art critic for the top of the top art galleries.

Why he chose to teacher teenagers when he hates kids? I have no idea.

"All we're doing this period is finishing the paintings we started a couple days ago." He told the class, walking over to the chair behind his desk. "Silently."

I roll my eyes and unzip my backpack, pulling out the small canvas with half of a painting completed.

I lay it down on the desk, smiling proudly at my work so far before grabbing a paintbrush from the middle of the table and a pallet of paints.

I dip the paintbrush in the cup of water before dipping it in the purple colored paint.

I go to place my paintbrush on the canvas when my shoulder is slightly nudged.

I look over at the person disrupting my work to find Finn sitting next to me, a dorky smile on his lips.

"What the hell are you doing here? You don't have this class." I yell-whisper, looking around the class to see if Mr Henderson was looking.

He was laying on his desk, head face down. The soft sounds of snoring came from the area, letting me know that he was still alive.

"I just wanted to pay you a visit." He smiled, his eyes falling down to my painting. "Whoa, that looks so cool."

I wrap my arms over top of the painting, making sure he couldn't see it. "It isn't finished yet."

"It looks cool so far." He assures me. "When did you get into painting?"

"I don't know, why are you asking?" I snap at him. "You know what, why are you even here? Why are you so obsessed with me?" I smirk.

"Wow, quoting Mean Girls. I see." I narrow my eyes at him.

"How did you know that was from Mean Girls?" I smirk as his cheeks turned a light pink color.

"I have a thirteen year old sister who hogs the TV. I had no choice but to watch it." He mumbles.

"Yeah, I'm sure" I smirk.

"I don't care what you think, Cupcake." He tells me surely.

"Would you care if the whole school knew?" His eyes widen and I chuckle.

"You wouldn't." He narrows his eyes, watching my every move as I went to reach for my phone slowly.

"Just one click of a button, and the whole school knows you're a secret Mean Girls fan."

"I'll just get Harvey to yell He doesn't even go here!"

"Wow, you really are a fan." I laugh, opening my Twitter app.

As if just realizing what I was doing, Finn reaches his hand out and snatches my phone away, holding it out to the opposite side of his body.

"Give me my phone back!" I yell, reaching out to grab it. I crawl on his lap, placing my hands on either of his thighs before lifting one hand out to reach for it.

It was no use, it was too far.

"What the hell is going on here?" A familiar voice boomed, causing me to jump from my chair and land on the floor, knee first.

I suck in a breath, for some reasoning thinking it will lessen the pain in my knee.

"Mr Henderson." I state, trying to keep my voice level. "Hi."

He glared down at me, the corners of his eyebrows pointing down towards his nose.

"What is this commotion, Ms Thomas?" He yelled. "And who is this?" He asked, looking over at Finn.

"Rider, Finn Rider." Finn told him, reaching his hand out for him to shake.

Mr Henderson slowly looked down at his hand before looking back up at Finn. He nodded his head slowly, sliding his hand back to his lap.


"Is he even allowed to give you detention if you're not in his class?" I ask angrily, violently swinging open my locker to stuff my not finished painting inside.

Mr Henderson decided to give me an F for not finishing my painting , because I was too busy flirting with a delinquent.

His words, not mine.

"Yes, he can." Finn told me, leaning against the locker next to mine. "Shouldn't you know this? Don't you get detention like, everyday."

"Yes, but the only person who gives it to me is my mom." I scoff, slamming my locker shut. "We need to get revenge."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What?" He chuckled.

"Mr Henderson has been bullying me about my painting all year and now today he fails me for not having enough time to finish it. I'm sick of it." I cross my arms over my chest and looking around the hall for an idea.

"And I'm apart of this revenge because...?" Finn started with confusion.

"He gave you detention. Plus, I assumed you would like to give him a taste of his own medicine. I mean, who doesn't like a good taste of revenge."

He smirks. "Alright, I'm in. What did you have in mind?"



Chapter 18 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3

*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)


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