Chapter 6 "Dangerously Armed"

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"Leave me alone, Finn." I groan, pushing around the crowd of people in the hallway until I reach my locker.

I quickly turn the combination as Finn stops, leaning against the set on lockers next to me.

"Come on, just say yes." He fake pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Why are you asking me to go with you to that party? Why can't you ask someone else?" I pull open my locker and put a couple of books inside.

"Because I'm asking you." I narrow my eyes at him and he smiles innocently.

"Yeah, why?"

"We're friends, right?" He starts, straightening his posture.

"No." I tell him bluntly, grabbing my history textbook.

"Oh, come on." He whines.

"Hey, Finn." Another voice said, making us look over.

Ah, Scarlett Hampton. If you thought I was bad, then you obviously haven't met Scarlett. Like any cliche teen movie, she is the school's slut.

Not that I think there's anything wrong with sleeping around, that would be pretty hypocritical, but there's a difference between sleeping around for fun and practically walking around with no clothes on.

She was wearing a white tank top with spaghetti straps along with a pair of the shortest booty shorts I've ever seen. She was also wearing red hooker heels. She wore god damn hooker heels to school.

"Uh, hey Scarlett. I'm kind of busy, do you mind?" Finn told her, gesturing towards me.

She turned to look at me as if she didn't know I was here until now, her face transforming completely. She looked at me as if I was a garbage can with piles of dog shit inside.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the party tonight with me." She said, turning back to Finn to give him a flirtatious smile. She fluttered her eyelashes and twirled her hair.

I have to physically restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

"I'm already going with someone." He nodded her off before turning back to me.

I saw her jaw drop, her eyes widening in awe. This must have been the first time someone has rejected her. Must hurt her precious little ego.

"Fine, but I'll be waiting for you there." She winked before strutting away, her ass shaking with each step.

"You should've accepted because now you really don't have a date." I snort, grabbing my maths book before closing my locker.

"Yes I do." He smirked. "You." I open my mouth to protest but am quickly cut off. "I'll pick you up at nine." He winked before walking away down the hallway.

I roll my eyes and groan, walking the opposite direction.


I slowly walk down the hallway, taking my sweet time to get to the bathroom.

I really hate maths.

I was about to turn the corner when I heard a sudden pounding against the lockers. I jolt back, firmly pressing my body against the wall. I slowly peer around the corner as murmering began.

"Where's my money?" An all too familiar voice said and I felt my heart stop.

Finn was holding another guy off the floor by his collar, pushing him against the lockers.

"I-I don't have it yet. I-I just need m-more time." The guy stuttered nervously.

"I gave you two weeks already, Dave. I need my money, now." Finn's voice was cold and stern, and I felt my hands shake.

"J-Just one more week, please Finn-"

"Did you not just hear me? I need my fucking money now." His voice was louder this time and I jumped.

His hand slipped into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black object. I couldn't make out what it was at first, but when I did, I almost fell to the ground.

"Don't make me get my uncle after you, or you really will be sorry." He held the gun to the guy's chest and I saw his eyes widen.

"N-No, please don't tell him-"

"You're lucky I'm feeling nice today. Get me the money by tomorrow morning or I'll have no choice." Finn dropped the guy to the ground and put the gun back in his pocket.

The guy's muscles physically relaxed as he stood up and practically ran down the hall.

Finn's head turned towards my end of the hallway and I turned back so fast, I almost got whiplash.

I ran for my life down the hallway, towards my maths class.

That's a first.



Oh shit.

Chapter 6 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3


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