Chapter 34 "Roommate From Hell"

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As soon as the bus pulls to a stop, I spring out of my seat and run off the bus.

Thank god. That bus ride was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced.

Soon after, a few more people started hopping off the bus and Natalia came running up to me.

"So, what did you two talk about?" I smack her upside the head. "Ow."

"We didn't talk about anything, he plugged his headphones in and ignored me."

Natalia groans as Harvey starts walking past us. She quickly grabs his arm to stop him from leaving.

"Dammit, Harvey. I told you take Finn's earbuds." She yelled.

"Sorry, I forgot." He simply told her and she smacked his head. "Ow!"

"You're an idiot." She spat before shoving him slightly so he can keep walking.

"What did you think was going to happen?" I ask raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest.

"I thought you'd fix whatever happened between you two and become friends again. I miss Fara."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Fara?"

"It's your ship name. Finn plus Zara equals Fara."

I scrunched up my nose. "You made a ship name for us?"

She rolled her eyes. "A friendship ship name."

"That's not a thing."

"Yes it is."

"Okay, what's our friendship ship name?"

"Zatalia." She said with an innocent smile.

"You're so weird." I told her, chuckling while shaking my head.

"But you love me." She laughed. "Alright, let's go find our room in the lodge."

We began walking towards the front doors of the wooden lodge. It looked like giant log cabin but with electric. The ground and roof of the lodge was covered in snow so it seemed brighter outside.

We push open the doors and are immediately greeted with a cinnamon scent. There was a stone fireplace as tall as the ceiling straight ahead of us with two couches facing each other that were sitting in front of it. To the left of it was a wooden spiral staircase. To the far right was the receptionist desk with an older lady sitting behind it. My mother was talking to her while everyone else was talking to each other around the lobby.

"Whoa, this place is beautiful." Natalia said, looking around.

"I know right." I said with a smile when I noticed a coffee machine farther down the lobby.

"Alright, everyone line up for your room numbers. Boys on the right and girls on the left." My mother announced.

Everyone scrambled to the lines that matched their gender. My mother began to hand out room keys while another male teacher was handing room keys to the boys.

After all the pushing and shoving, Natalia and I ended up being the last two in line.

I fucking hate everyone.

Eventually, it was Scarlett's turn, who was right in front of us.

My mother looked between the three us of with wide eyes.

"Hold on." She said before scurrying over to the receptionist.

It was only a couple seconds later when she told us the worst news I could hear right now.

"Sorry, girls. It looks like we underbooked the rooms. You three will have to room together."

F me.


"I call the bed by the window!" Scarlett yelled as the door swung open.

She sped walked to the bed in her hooker heels, throwing herself on it.

I roll my eyes. "I don't want it after you've touched it."

She scowls. "Guys would pay to touch this." She told us, gesturing to her breasts.

"A job to match your shoes." I smiled innocently as she growled at me.

She fucking growled.

I walk into the room, Natalia right behind me as we set out bags on the bed next to the bathroom. The room was small, but big enough for only a couple nights. In front of the bathroom was a wall length mirror with counters lined up underneath it. Next to the room door was a desk with a lamp a spiny chair.

"Whatever, I'm not going to let your sour attitude spoil my weekend with Finn." Scarlett rolled her eyes, looking over her manicure.

"Good luck with that, Finn would rather fuck a dead cow." I scoffed and Natalia stifled a laugh.

"How the hell would you know? Y'all haven't talked in weeks. The homewrecker never wins in the end." She smirked, raising her eyebrow at me.

Daring me to make another comment.

"Y'all never dated, you slut. Don't go around calling people names without knowing the whole story." I exclaimed, taking a step closer to her.

"Says the one who called me a slut. You don't know me, skank." She countered, standing up from the bed.

"I know all the guys you've fucked."

"I know all the guys you've fucked too, who coincidentally had sex with me first.."

"Yeah, because they were looking for someone who can actually satisfy them!"

"At least I don't dress like an emo reject." She said, looking my outfit up and down.

I was wearing a black beanie, an MCR t-shirt with an open red and black plaid shirt over it, black ripped jeans, and black converse.

"At least I don't go after guys with girlfriends."

"Ha! I knew you and Finn were dating."

"What? I wasn't talking about Finn. This isn't about Finn."

"Oh really? We didn't start arguing until I brought up Finn." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because you were pissing me off!" I yelled.

"Why? Jealous I'll finally get Finn for myself?"

"He isn't a goddamn toy, Scarlett. You can't 'get' him."

"Someone's defensive over him." She said, looking away innocently.

"You know what, that's it." I lift up my arm and go to throw it towards her face, but a force keeps it in the air.

"Okay, calm down you two. We don't need another soda incident." Natalia stated, putting my arm down to my side.

"Not like she had the balls to actually punch me." Scarlett stated while rolling her eyes.

I clench my jaw and move my body, ready to pounce on her but Natalia wraps her arms around my torso and lifts me up.

"Let me beat this bitch to a fucking pulp." I yelled as Natalia dragged me into the bathroom to 'cool down'.

I'm already having so much fun on this trip.



Chapter 34 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed! <3

*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)


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