Chapter 26 "Confrontation"

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Finn's POV

I wake up to the sun streaming directly into my eyes. I manage to peel them open and realize I'm not in my bedroom nor my bed.

Zara's head was laying on my chest with my right arm wrapped around her. Her chest rises and falls at a steady pace, her eyes closed as she slept peacefully. The events of last night come flooding back.

I'm going to murder that son of a bitch.

I slowly grab my phone from my back pocket, carefully not to disturb the sleeping girl cuddled against the side of my body. Even sleeping, she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

Seven o'clock.

I gently nudge Zara's shoulder, causing her to moan softly before going back to sleep.

"It's time to wake up, Cupcake." I whisper, nudging her shoulder again.

This time I notice her eyes open slowly, confusion filling her soft brown eyes.

"What time is it?" She asks, quickly sitting up as if just realizing what she was doing.

I slowly sit up, combing my hair back with my fingers. "Seven, we need to get ready for school."

She groans and rubs her face, making me crack a small smile.

"Why didn't you go home?" She asks, rubbing her eyes with a yawn.

"Well. you kind of fell asleep on top of me. I couldn't exactly move." I told her and I noticed a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks.

Is Zara Thomas...blushing?

I can't help the smirk tugging on my lips.

"Sorry, I was just really tired." She told me, lifting her head to look at me.

When our eyes made contact, we both seemed to freeze. Her brown eyes looked so warm and soft, I got lost in them. The entire world started to disappear around us, and it was just her and I.

A knocking on the door made us both jump.

"Zara, it's time to get up for school." Mrs Thomas said through the door. The door knob began to jiggle. "Why is your door locked?"

"I'm uh... changing. I'll be down soon." She yelled back.

"Alright, hurry up. Natalia will be here soon." Mrs Thomas replied.

We stayed silent until the footsteps down the stairs got too quiet to hear.

"Hurry and get dressed, I'll meet you at my car." I told her, hopping off her bed and heading towards the window.

"Natalia usually takes me to school." She said, making me turning back around to face her.

Her brown hair was messy but still fell over her shoulders perfectly, her brown eyes stared at me in that same lost puppy gaze she had last night. I found myself getting lost in her eyes again, fireworks setting off in my stomach.

"Tell her you'll meet her there." I told her before climbing out the window.

What is happening to me?


I push open the front doors of the school, Zara by my side. It wasn't unusual for everyone's head to turn towards us, but amongst the crowd of people in the hallway, I saw the face I was hoping to bump into.

He turned his head and made eye contact with me, an evil smirk appearing on his lips. Something switched in my brain and I felt my muscles tightening in my arms.

I found myself marching towards him, that smirk never leaving his face as his eyes followed me. I stopped only inches from his face, my heart beating sixty miles a minute. I could hear Zara standing behind me, calling my name, but my vision became red fast.

"Hello, Finn. How was your night? I had a great one." Parker whispered, his eyes glistening with humor.

Without thinking, I lifted my arm and swung.

Parker went crashing down, his cheek bright red from where my fist made contact with his face. I crawled on top of his and grabbed the collar of his first, continuing to throw my fist against his face as hard as I could.

"Do you think hitting girls is funny?!" I yelled.

I could feel the veins popping out of my forehead and my face heating up. I was livid.

"Does hitting girls make you feel like a man?!" I yelled again. "Do you feel like a man now?!"

"Finn! Finn stop it!" I heard Zara scream, but I kept going.

I wanted to smash his face into the ground.

I wanted him dead.

I only stopped swinging when I felt a pair of arms pull me back and lift me off of Parker.

"Finn, chill out!" I heard Harvey shout in my ear.

I took a few breaths until my vision started to go back to normal and my heart rate slowed down. It wasn't until now that I saw the damage I had caused.

Parker was lying on the ground, his nose gushing blood and both of his eyes were bright red. For a second I worried that I actually did kill him until he started coughing up blood.

The entire school had gathered around and were now staring at me, a couple of people bending down to ask Parker if he was okay.

"What the hell is going on here?" Everyone's head snapped in the direction of Mrs Thomas's voice who was practically running down the hall towards us.

Her eyes were wide when she saw Parker on the ground and the blood on my fists.

"Finn?" She looked at me expectantly, but I stayed silent and continued to stare at Parker. "Zara?" She asked, but she remained silent as well. "Okay, fine. Finn come with me to the principal's office. Zara run to the nurse and tell her someone's bleeding in the hallway." Mrs Thomas commanded.

She was not a person to mess with when angry, so we all did as we were told.



Chapter 26 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed! <3

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