Chapter 20 "The Aftermath"

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I step out of the car, a victorious smirk on my face as I watch the crowd of people gawk at my work.

It was a great feeling to see everyone amazed at my beautiful penis painting on the front doors.

Everyone was grabbing their phones, taking pictures to post on social media while giggling.

"Holy shit." Natalia breathed, stepping around the car to stand next to me, her eyes wide. "I didn't know anyone in this school had the balls to do something like this, I wonder who it was."

I turn to look at her slowly, the smirk on my face only growing wider. "You're looking at her."

Her eyes widened more and her jaw dropped. "No." She gasped. "Seriously? This is the coolest shit I've ever seen."

I bow. "Thank you, thank you. It was nothing, really." Natalia laughs.

"You're in so much trouble." She reminds me.

"Only if I get caught. The only people who know is you and Finn."

"Finn?" Her eyebrows scrunch together.

"Yeah, he painted a dick in the girls locker room." I nod, turning back to admire my beautiful art on the glass doors.

"If your mom finds out, you'll be locked in your room until you turn eighteen." I wave her off, pushing my lips together.

"She'll never find out."

Natalia shrugs her shoulders, giving in.

"Alright, whatever you say." I nod before walking towards the school.


"Cupcake!" I turn around from my locker to see Finn running towards me, an amused smile on his face.

"Whoa, calm down." I chuckle as he stops next to me, panting for air. "What's going on?"

"Cheerleading practice is about to start." He tells me and I smile, looking down the hallway towards the locker room. "!"

It was a moment of silence until a bunch of screaming was heard from the hall, a couple girls walking out of the room in disgust.

Finn and I burst out laughing, clutching to my stomach.

"This has to be the best idea you've ever had." I whisper to Finn.

"Well thank you, Cupcake." He smiles, making something in my stomach flutter.

"Alright, who did this?" A familiar voice boomed from the other end of the hallway.

Finn and I turn around to see Mr Fisher walking in from the front doors, his eyes looking over my art in disgust.

He turns around to look around the hallway. "Well someone did it!" He yelled, making everyone in the hall jump. "If you don't confess now, I'll figure out who it was and you'll be in deep trouble." His voice shook in anger.

A small scream was heard from farther down the hall. Mr Henderson sped walk out of his class, a look of horror on his face.

"Look what this delinquent did to my art room!" Mr Henderson yelled towards Mr Fisher. "Its destroyed!"

"Alright, somebody better fess up." Mr Fish yelled again. Everyone in the hall looked around for each other, for some reason expecting someone to give in. "No? Fine, then. I'll do everything in my power to make sure whoever did this gets expelled." He yelled before storming off into his office.

Once he disappeared into his office, Finn and I start snickering quietly.

"I've never seen Fisher so mad before." Finn tells me. "And I'm in his office every week."

I chuckle, lifting my hand to high five him.


I push open the door, shoving the key in the back pocket of my skinny jeans.

I let Finn step inside first before closing the door behind me.

"So, where are your parents?" Finn asks, throwing his backpack on the couch.

"They went to my mom's doctors appointment." I answer, following his actions before walking into the kitchen.

"Why? Is Mrs Thomas sick or something?" He asks worryingly, taking a seat at the island.

I chuckle. "Yeah, sick with a baby. She's pregnant."

Finn's eyes widen. "Whoa, I was not expecting that."

I smirk. "Neither was I."

"So," Finn starts, watching me as I reach for the jar of Nutella. "Are you excited for a younger sibling?"

I scoff, grabbing two spoons from the drawer beside me. "Excited is an understatement. I wanted a sibling since I was four, but my parents had me so young they took every precaution possible to make sure they didn't get another surprise."

"I wonder what that must be like." Finn states, grabbing the spoon I'm handing him and dipping it into the jar.

I scoop out some Nutella and stick the spoon in my mouth. "What what's like?"

"Being a teen parent." He scoops some of his own Nutella before licking it off of his spoon.

"My parents told me some stories, mainly to scare me into abstinence." Finn chuckles and I smile. "My parents were best friends their entire lives and one night they got drunk and BAM-" I scream, making Finn jump. "-comes me nine months later."

Finn laughs, making my heart flutter.

"That's all they ever told me."

"So, nothing crazy happened in between? Seriously? No drama at all?" Finn asks shockingly, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Apparently. The only thing interesting about my parents are the fact that they had me at sixteen. Otherwise, they're as boring as the next married couple."

Finn chuckles, dipping his spoon for more Nutella.

"Though, I learned that Miss Pantieless's mom and my father dated in high school." With those words, Finn's mouth drops open, giving me a clear view of his Nutella covered teeth. "Ewe, dude. Food stays inside the mouth."

"Sorry, that's just really shocking." I chuckle.

"Tell me about it."



Hey guys, sorry about the delay ion chapters.

I've been having some serious writer's block lately. :/

This is a pre-written chapter I didn't know if  I wanted to post or not, but i just wrote an extra long chapter to post in three days to make up for the lack of chapters.

Love you all. <3

Chapter 20 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3

*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)


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