Chapter 42 "The Middle Of Nowhere"

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Zara's POV

My head was throbbing like a motherfucker as I open my eyes. I move my hand to rub my eyes, but a hard force kept it hanging above my head.

There were handcuffs around my left hand, the other side of them looped around a pipe against the wall.

What the-

My body was lying on top of an old twin size mattress that was covered in stains of God knows what, and looked to be rotting away. It was sitting on the floor without a bed frame.

My heart drops.

This is not my bedroom..

It was a small room, the walls covered in floral wallpaper that was peeling and the floors were wood that creaked every time I moved my body slightly. The entire place had that old smell to it, like in the houses from colonial times. Like the house itself was rotting away.

There was a white door on my left side that was scrapped up from age. It was closed so I couldn't see anything but the little room I was in.

There was a window just next to the pipe I was handcuffed to, illuminating the room with light from the sun.

I pulled my torso forward to see out the window, wincing as the cuffs tried to pull me back down.

There wasn't much to see, other than tall yellow grass that hadn't been cut in years and have died. I looked around for a street sign or something, but I couldn't see anything for miles.

Oh god, I'm in the middle of nowhere.

My heart was racing with anxiety and my wrist was burning from the medal being so tight around my skin and the rotting smell was starting to give me a headache.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I started to yank my hand towards me, somehow hoping to break the strong metal.

What the hell is going on?

My body freezes as I heard the eerie creaking sound of an old door opening. I watch the door to the room I was in, my heart beating through my ears, waiting for the person to walk in.

What are the chances the person is here to save me?

The door knob turns and the door begins to slide open. Each second my heart started beating faster and faster. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack.

A tall figure stood in the doorway, his face clicking in the back of my mind.

Isn't that...Finn's uncle?

"Oh good, you're up." He spoke, his lips turned up into a grin.

He was holding a plastic shopping bag in his hand. Through the wrinkles, I could read Wawa on it.

"Sorry about your head, I accidentally hit it against my car door when I was trying to get you in." He laughed, placing the bag in the corner of the room.

"W-What's happening?" I ask him, sitting up slightly, careful not to pull my arm too much.

"What's happening is I'm finally getting my revenge after sixteen fucking years." He said bitterly, turning back to face me.

"What did I do to you?" Why am I here?"

He scoffs, "Fucking typical for that bastard of a father to not tell you anything from high school so he can look like the hero, when really, he ruined my life!"

He screamed, stomping his foot on the ground, making the old wood plank snap in half.

He took a deep breath and his face relaxed.

"And you-" He said, pointing at me. His eyes were wide and wild. "If you were never born, Bella and I would still be together."

Bella? As in my mother, Bella? What the hell is going on?

"I couldn't help being born, I didn't ask for it." I told him.

"Shut the fuck up!" He snapped, making me shut my mouth.

Okay, Finn wasn't kidding.

"Bella and I were in love. The only flaw in our relationship was that she was pregnant, but I could live with that. I would have raised you as my own. We were going to be together forever. But then I found out she was lying to my face!" He lifted his leg and kicked the wall, creating a giant hole.

"That son of a bitch told her to lie to me to save his own reputation. He manipulated her into thinking they were meant to be together. He ruined everything!"

His face was turning red and the veins in his neck were popping out. I was afraid he was going to implode.

"Now," He started laughing. "Now, I get my revenge and the love of my life back. Then I can finally be happy. But the only way to do that is to get rid of the only thing holding them together."

I watched him as he turned his body towards me, his lips slowly turning up into a smile that sent shivers down my spine.




Sorry for the short chapter and the irregular uploading.

I've been getting side tracked with this novel I'm starting to plan out. It's the one I'm going to be posting once this one this finished.

I will no longer have an uploading schedule (I'm so sorry!).

I will definitely upload often, but I'd rather post longer chapters that I'm proud of rather than short fillers just so I have something to post. (Quality over quantity, you know?)

Please don't kill me, I love you all!

Chapter 42 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed! <3

 Hope you all enjoyed! <3

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